Accounts and receipts relating to upkeep, repair and advertisements, 1800-1819
- Reference:GB 252 PE/23/Bundle80
- Dates of Creation:1800-1819
Scope and Content
Vouchers of accounts and receipts relating to the repairing, cleaning, mettling and pointing of Perth bridge; to the upkeep and lighting of the twenty-one bridge lamps; to advertisements in the newspapers for meetings of the bridge commissioners; and to repairs to the tollhouse.
Also includes:
Estimate and account of John Gregor for the laying of a Kingoodie stone footpath, 1800.
Account of James MacDonald for paving Perth Bridge, 1808.
Receipt of the Property Tax Office, Perth to John Miller, clerk, Perth bridge commissioners for interest received based on the assessment for the years 1807-1811.
Account of Charles Scott “for mason work done in building the half of a mutual wall with Mr. James Norwell for inclosing the ground belonging to the custom house”, 1815.
Printed accounts and receipts of Smith and Swan, lampmakers, Edinburgh, for lighting 10½ of the bridge’s 21 lamps over 30 week periods, 1817, 1818, 1819.
Account of John and James Miller, clerks for their services to the commissioners for Perth Bridge between 1813 and 1816; 1819.
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