Records of Clyde & Mersey Investment Trust Ltd, investment trust company, Glasgow, Scotland
- Reference:GB 248 UGD 170/3
- Dates of Creation:1930-1970
- Name of Creator:
- Language of Material:English
- Physical Description:0.15 metres
Scope and Content
- Minutes 1930-1970;
- Directors’ reports and accounts 1963-1964.
Administrative / Biographical History
Clyde & Mersey Investment Trust Ltd , Glasgow, Scotland, was incorporated in 1930 as an investment company. In 1970, the trust was acquired by the Great Northern Investment Trust Ltd, Glasgow, Scotland, and ceased to trade. This company went on to become R I T & Great Northern plc.
The arrangement of this material reflects the original order in which it was received.
Access Information
No access for legal, business or commercial purposes without the prior written permission of R I T & Great Northern plc.
Acquisition Information
Loan : R I T & Great Northern plc : 1982
Fonds level description compiled by David Powell, Hub Project Archivist, 17 May 2002.
Other Finding Aids
File list available by request to the Duty Archivist
Alternative Form Available
No known copies.
Physical Characteristics and/or Technical Requirements
None which affect the use of this material.
Conditions Governing Use
Applications for permission to quote should be sent to the University Archivist. Reproduction subject to usual conditions: educational use & condition of documents.
In addition R I T & Great Northern plc must be consulted over any reproduction for publication. Any work based on the use of this material, which is intended for publication, must be submitted to R I T & Great Northern plc prior to that publication and a copy of the final version must be lodged with them.
Appraisal Information
The material has been appraised in line with normal procedures.
Custodial History
Held by R I T & Great Northern plc prior to deposit.
None expected.
Related Material
- GB 0248 UGD 170/1, Records of Great Northern Investment Trust Ltd;
- GB 0248 UGD 170/2 Records of Home & Foreign Investment Trust Ltd.
Location of Originals
This material is original.
No known publications using this material.
Corporate Names
Geographical Names