Papers of Monica Baly
- Reference:GB 1199 C35
- Dates of Creation:1874-1998
- Language of Material:English
- Physical Description:0.6m
Scope and Content
This collection contains research papers, publications, obituaries and reviews written by or about nurse Dr Monica Baly FRCN. Baly collected historical information from the nineteenth century on nursing, nurses, district nurses and architectural history which is included in this collection. Some material was added later by family and relates to Baly's funeral.
Folder 1: This file contains various correspondence belonging to Monica Baly, newspaper cuttings and newsletters relating to the preservation of the Royal Crescent in Bath 1989-1998.
Folder 2: This file contains contributions written by Dr Baly for the Dictionary National Biography. Folders contain research notes, correspondence and draft entries for the following subjects: Trevor Clay; Florence Lees; Frances Goodall; Florence Nightingale; Alicia Lloyd Still; Mary Stanley; Laura Bentley, c.1990.
Folder 3: This file contains various personal letters received by Monica Baly and personal papers including marked papers and draft copy of a book review written by Baly on 'Florence Nightingale - Avenging Angel', c.1985.
Folder 4: This file contains various obituaries written by or collected by Monica Baly. These include: Patricia Perry; Rev. Geoffrey Lester; Dame Catherine Hall; Col. Douglas De Cent; Prof. Brian Abel-Smith, c.1985.
Folder 5: This file contains correspondence relating to the Batchelor of Arts degree from the Open University conferred on Monica Baly and copies of some of the work submitted by Baly for the degree, 1981.
Folder 6: This file contains correspondence and papers of Dr Monica Baly relating to the QVJIN including a lengthy letter from Rosalind Paget. Also, this file contains pamphlets on district nursing and Queen Victoria's Jubilee Institute for Nurses, listed here:
1 District nursing in towns, paper read by Mary Minet at Ladies' Conference, Liverpool 1891. Printed 1894 (8 pages);
2 Queen Victoria's Institute for Nurses District nursing in the homes of the poor, by Louisa Twinning, 1896 (4 pages);
3 Liverpool Queen Victoria District Nursing Association, leaflet to mark the opening of a new central home in Liverpool by William Rathbone, 19 Oct 1990 (4 pages);
4 Queen Victoria's Institute for Nurses, Appeal to working men and women of Liverpool for contributions to a fund to build an additional home for district nurses in the city as a memorial to Florence Nightingale 1910 (4 pages);
5 District nursing on provident lines, A paper entitled 'District nursing on provident lines' written and presented by Amy Hughes at a Charity Organisation Society meeting, 28 June 1910 (16 Pages);
6 Queen Victoria's Jubilee Institute for Nurses, history and work of the Q.V.J. Institute for Nurses pamphlet, 1915 (37 pages);
7 Queen Victoria's Institute Reading, Jubilee 1897-1947, Jubilee of the Reading organisation illustrated pamphlet, 1947 (20 pages);
8 Institute of District Nursing, sixty one years of service, leaflet, 1948 (1 page);
9 Queen's Institute of District Nursing, Service of Dedication, St Peter's, Eaton Sq., 1953 (6 pages);
10 Queen's Institute of District Nursing, an outline of some aspects of the work, 1954 (8 pages);
11 Queen's Institute of District Nursing, Health Visitor course, District Nurse course followed by Health Visitor course and Health Visitor/District Nurse course. Syllabi for courses, 1958 (12 pages);
12 'District Nursing' by D. Goodwin reprinted from Women's Employment, 1949 (3 pages);
13 'Priorities in the National Health Service reprinted from The Contemporary Review, 1949 (4 pages).
Folder 7: This file contains various reviews of books and papers written by Monica Baly, 1983-1996.
Folder 8: List of Attendees at Monica Baly's Funeral, 1998.
Folder 9: This file contains a typed collection of poems collected by (not written by) Monica Baly, c.1990.
Folder 10: This file contains research notes made by Monica Baly on various aspects of the history of the city of Bath. This includes: General history; Poor and the Sick of Bath and Bath Abbey Vaults, c.1990.
Folder 11:
Folder 12: This file includes research notes and other documents collated by Monica Baly. This includes catalogues detailing the various holdings of Florence Nightingale records throughout the UK. Two folders containing detailed research notes made by Dr Baly on Florence Nightingale. Dr Baly's handwritten notes are split into sections as follows: Military Nursing, Midwifery, Workhouse Nursing, Registration & Nursing Politics, Secondary Source Material, Secondary Source notes and Miscellaneous. And The Nightingale Fund Council Reports, Bonham Carter Collection, The Nightingale Fund Council Correspondence and Miscellaneous. Newspaper cuttings and articles relating to Florence, some written by Dr Baly. This folder also contains a set of papers entitled 'What happened to the Nightingale Probationers 1860-1874'. Papers in this folder come from a folder marked by Monica as ' Nightingale Photocopies' The majority of this folder is photocopies on Florence that were no doubt used as reference by Monica, however the folder does also contain some handwritten notes and correspondence.
Folder 13: This file contains a selection of correspondence, papers and reports relating to the Wellcome Trust, 1995-1998.
Folder 14: A collection of personal correspondence between Monica and various others. Monica has divided the correspondence into the following sections: personal correspondence, publishers, history of nursing and Nottingham University, 1994-1998.
Folder 15: This file contains various papers, cuttings and letters regarding the History of Nursing collected by Monica Baly as part of her research. This includes a collection of papers and booklets marked by Baly as research papers, 1874-1991;
Papers from a folder marked by Baly as 'Journal articles'. Folder includes articles written for the journal along with newsletters of the history of nursing society, consultation document for the development of a centre for the history of nursing in Edinburgh and a booklet from History of Nursing conference 1998; Various correspondence with regard to the History of Nursing Society. Volume also includes a paper entitled ' Six Nurses born in the 20th Century who have made the Greatest Contribution'. The six nurses are Doreen Norton, Cicely Saunders, John Greene, Lisbeth Hockey, Gertrude Ramsden and Jean McFarlane, 1992-1998.
Folder 16: This file contains a booklet entitled ' John Greene Remembers 1935-1945 - Training in Psychiatric Nursing and War-Time Service in Naval Hospitals and the Hospital Ship 'Vita''. 1995
Folder 17: Minutes from the RCN History of Nursing Society. Folder also contains flyers and other ephemera related to the society, 1991-1997.
Folder 18: This file contains a selection of items including the Annual Report for Nuneaton and District General Hospital, newspaper article regarding the conferment of the RCN fellowship, 1910-2002.
Access Information
This collection is available for research subject to data protection laws. Readers are advised to contact the RCN Archives in advance of their visit.