Bundle of short letters to Archibald Cameron Corbett
- Reference:GB 248 DC 026/16
- Dates of Creation:1895-1911
- Language of Material:English
Scope and Content
Mainly relating to his duties as an MP, including: 24 Sep 1904 Letter signed by Lloyd George regretting that he cannot attend another political meeting in Glasgow. Lloyd George apologises for not replying to Corbett's letter sooner, but he has 'been rushing about a good deal in connection with the Education crises in Wales' 19 May 1906 Letter to Archibald Cameron Corbett from Hugh Cecil regarding women's suffrage. Cecil wants an instruction to be given to the Committee on the Plural Voting Bill to extend it to include Women's Suffrage: 'I suggest that Women's Suffrage is cognate to Plural Voting and has been so treated by the legislative when the County Council franchise was set up... I think the advocates of women's suffrage will be mad if they allow the Plural Voting Bill to pass. The only way of pressing their grievance is to make it clear that until it is remedied nothing else connected with the franchise shall be touched' 21 Jun 1911 Letter to Archibald Cameron Corbett from an advocate of women's suffrage, M G Sawatt, congratulating him on his promotion from the House of Commons, but adding that he will be missed there. A Miss Pallister is depressed because 'We all know that you will take your kind readiness to help our cause with you to the H[ouse] of L[ords]. But our battle will be in the Commons yet for some time to come'
Other Finding Aids
See also University of Glasgow Collections