Papers of Dr John Marshall Cowan
- Reference:GB 250 21
- Dates of Creation:1839-1949
- Language of Material:English
- Physical Description:0.24 Linear Metres
Scope and Content
Family material including family tree, scrapbook of memorabilia and testimonials for Robert Cowan, John B Cowan and John M Cowan, 1839-c.1946; album of photographs showing diseases of the arteries, 1906; books and articles published by John M Cowan and others, including A notebook of Medicine and Diseases of the Heart, 1898-1935; photographs including members of the Cowan family, Fellows of the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons since the 17th century, c. 1949.
Administrative / Biographical History
The Cowans were a distinguished medical family with connections with the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons stretching back to Patrick Marshall, surgeon of Kilsyth, (1631-1697). This collection relates mainly to John Marshall Cowan MD DSc LLD (1870-1947), the son of Dr J B Cowan, Regius Professor of Materia Medica, University of Glasgow, and grandson of Robert Cowan, Professor of Medical Jurisprudence, University of Glasgow. After graduating BA from Cambridge University in 1891 and qualifying as Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (MB, BCh) in 1895, John Marshall Cowan held resident appointments in the Western Infirmary, The Royal Hospital for Sick Children and the City of Glasgow Fever Hospitals. In 1900 he saw active service in the Boer War as a physician to the Scottish National Red Cross Hospital. In 1902 he took his MD and two years later DSc. On his return to Glasgow he settled in consulting practice and was appointed to the junior staff of the Western Infirmary and the Royal Hospital for Sick Children. At the same time he became attached to the University Pathological Department under Sir Robert Muir. In 1906 he was appointed Physician to the Glasgow Royal Infirmary and shortly afterwards Professor of Medicine in Anderson’s College. In the First World War, he served as a Consulting Physician to the Forces in Egypt and Palestine. In 1925 he was appointed Physician to the King in Scotland. He is chiefly remembered for his work on cardiology. John Marshall Cowan married Maude Hamilton (d. 1936), eldest daughter of George W Hamilton, in 1898. They had three children: Robert (1899-1942), Katherine (b. 1903) and James (1906-1936).
For obituaries of John Marshall Cowan, see the British Medical Journal, 1947 (Volume 2) and the Glasgow Medical Journal, 1947 (Volume 28).
Access Information
Access to some items may be restricted. Please contact Heritage staff at the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow.
Other Finding Aids
Descriptive list available at the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow. See also NRAS Survey 1909.