Newspaper Clipping - Carsphairn, ?/1/36
- Reference:GB 3614 DOCS/6/1/16
- Alternative Id:GB 3614 Misc_343
- Former Reference:GB 3614 2029
- Dates of Creation:1936
- Name of Creator:
- Language of Material:English
- Physical Description:Text
Scope and Content
Whist and Dance - A basket whist in aid of the Carpet Bowling Club was held in the Lagwyne Hall on New Year’s night when 20 tables were occupied. The Rev. W R Sievewright, president of the club, extended a welcome to all and at the close of play the prizes were handed over by Mrs Sievewright to the following - Ladies - 1, Mrs McCutheon; 2, Mrs Grierson; 3, Miss Helen Lawrence. Gentlemen - 1, Allan Hunter; 2, R McNaught; 3, J Brown; consolation, Jas. Stewart. A well attended dance followed, Mr T McKay acting as m.c.
Infirmary Effort - As a result of the Harvest Thanksgiving service conducted by the Rev. W R Sievewright in the Carsphairn Church and at Stroanfreggan School the Session Clerk has forwarded to Provost Courtenay, New Galloway the sum of £6 5/- in aid of the extension fund of the Dumfries & Galloway Royal Infirmary.
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