Diary of a Tour and Residence in France, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Prussia and Germany, 1816-1818.
- Reference:GB 250 24/1/1
- Dates of Creation:1816-1818
- Name of Creator:
Scope and Content
Transcribed from the original manuscript (Formerly RCPSG 1/11/78A)
The diary describes Mackenzie's visit to Paris where he sees Dupuytren and Alibert at work. Mackenzie then travels on through Switzerland to Italy, visiting hospitals on route. In Italy he has a two hour conversation with the anatomist Antonio Scarpa which he describes in detail. From Italy, he returned to Paris and began dissecting. Each day he recorded the parts of the body which he had dissected. From Paris, Mackenzie travelled on to Munich where he visited Soemerring and then on to Vienna to see Professor Georg Josef Beer, Professor of Ophthalmology. Under Beer, Mackenzie did his first extraction of cataract on a cadaver and attended the opening of the cliniques of Hildebrand, Boer and Beer. While in Vienna Mackenzie met Gordon and they conceived the idea of publishing a foreign Medical Journal. At Dresden he saw the surgical work of Ohle and the medical work of Kreisig. Mackenzie travelled on to Berlin where he visited Graef's clinic and then back to Paris and England.
Administrative / Biographical History
Dr William Mackenzie (1791-1868), Ophthalmologist
Other Finding Aids
Descriptive list available.