Papers concerning the University of Glasgow Rectorial Election 2001
- Reference:GB 248 UGC 057
- Dates of Creation:2001
- Name of Creator:
- Physical Description:0.15 metres (1 box)There are no physical characteristics that affect the use of this material
Scope and Content
- Material produced for the 2001 Rectorial Election but not produced in support of a candidate
- Stuart Murdoch campaign material, 2000
- Karen Dunbar campaign material, 2000
- Greg Hemphill campaign material, 2000
- Alasdair Gray campaign material, 2000
The material consists of flyers and posters produced by the candidates' campaign teams; material produced to publicise the election; the rules and procedures for the election of rector; ballot forms; the election results; and a photocopied copy of the Glasgow University Guardian , which features an article on the election as well as comments from the candidates and their campaign teams.
Administrative / Biographical History
The Rector was originally the active head of the University, exercising jurisdiction over all it members and elected by the votes of their nations. Under the novo erectio he was made president of the Senatus Academicus but was not a member of the Faculty; the office gradually became an honorary one, although until the end of the eighteenth century the Rector occasionally exercised visitorial functions. The Rector is now elected by matriculated students. The date of election was fixed by the original statutes for St Crispin's Day, October 25. It may now be held on any day in October or November.
Following the resignation of the actor, Ross Kemp (b. 1964), as Rector on 7 November 2000 , an election was held to find a replacement on 28 February 2001. There were originally five candidates for the position: Norman Blake from the Glasgow band Teenage Fanclub , independent candidate; Karen Dunbar from the BBC TV series Chewin' The Fat who was nominated by Glasgow University Lesbian, Bi-Sexual, Gay and Trans-gender Society ; Greg Hemphill also from Chewin' the Fat who was nominated by Glasgow University Labour Club; the author and artist Alasdair Gray , nominated by Glasgow University Scottish Nationalist Association ; and Stuart Murdoch from the Glasgow band Belle and Sebastian , another independent candidate. Norman Blake withdrew early in the campaign, lending his support to Stuart Murdoch. This election was by the single transferable vote system. Greg Hemphill eventually won in the third round, beating Alasdair Gray by 101 votes. The University Senate therefore found that Greg Hemphill had been elected Rector of the University for a three year period beginning on the 28 February 2001.
The material is mainly arranged by candidate with a separate section for other material.
Access Information
Acquisition Information
This collection was mainly gathered by Archive Services staff, Neil Hargreaves and Lesley Richmond , to document the 2001 rectoral election. Additions to the collection were subsequently provided by the campaign teams.
Other Finding Aids
Digital file level list available in searchroom.
Alternative Form Available
No known copies
Conditions Governing Use
Applications for permission to quote should be sent to the University Archivist
Reproduction subject to usual conditions: educational use & condition of documents
Appraisal Information
This material has been appraised in line with standard 0248 procedures
Custodial History
Related Material
No related material
No known publications using this material
Additional Information
The fonds level of description was compiled by Neil Hargreaves, Archives Assistant, 10 April 2001
No alterations made to date
Personal Names
Corporate Names
Geographical Names