Collection of publications relating to the Second World War, collected by Robert Hamilton, fl.1940s, Air Raid Precaution warden, Glasgow, Scotland
- Reference:GB 248 DC 161
- Dates of Creation:1935-1946
- Name of Creator:
- Language of Material:English
- Physical Description:0.13 metres
Scope and Content
- Pamphlets, many of which published by HMSO 1935-1946;
- Parliamentary Papers 1939-1940;
- Leaflets 1939-1941.
Administrative / Biographical History
Robert Hamilton was an Air Raid Precaution Warden during WWII in Glasgow, Scotland. In 1935 , local authorities were encouraged to organise Air Raid Precautions, and by April 1937 an Air Raid Warden Service was created. In 1938 the service had over 2,000 recruits but by September 1939 there were more than 1.5 million ARP Wardens. Women as well as men joined the emergency services as an ARP warden. The wardens patrolled the streets watching for noticeable light and supervised people getting into air raid shelters. A warden needed to know how many people were sleeping on his patch and where, in case of a bomb or fire so that they could direct the rescue services quickly and effectively. Source: Imperial War Museum webpages .
The arrangement of this material reflects the original order in which it was received
Access Information
Acquisition Information
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Digital file level list available in searchroom
Alternative Form Available
No known copies
Physical Characteristics and/or Technical Requirements
None which affect the use of this material
Conditions Governing Use
Applications for permission to quote should be sent to the Archivist.
Reproduction subject to usual conditions: educational use and condition of documents.
Appraisal Information
This material has been appraised in line with standard GB 0248 procedures
Custodial History
None expected
Related Material
No related material
Location of Originals
This material is original
No known publications using this material
Additional Information
Description compiled in line with the following international standards: International Council on Archives,ISAD(G) Second Edition, September 1999 and National Council on Archives,Rules for the construction of personal, place and corporate names
Fonds level description created by Andrew Thomson, Hub Project Archivist, 07 January 2005
Revised by Emma Yan, Assistant Archivist (Cataloguing), 04 January 2008
Personal Names
Geographical Names