Box 1
- Reference:GB 254 MS 341/1
- Dates of Creation:1984-2011
- Name of Creator:
- Physical Description:1 box
Scope and Content
A Note from Mrs Rodgers dated 30/08/2011 An envelope containing four floppy disks, each are marked: Helen Docs. Scripts Doc Helen 2 Helen Docs 3. 1991 Helen 4 A holder containing 14 floppy disks, each are marked: Desktop Silly St. Docs. Acne. Hellhole Hotel/Little Devils. Brain Working 1st Word Plus Disk 1 DBMaster1. Degas. Stoopy v1.6 Working 1st Word Plus. Disk 2. (1st Mail) CAD-3D Desk Accessories. Ram Disc. Megaroid. Zork I. Zork II. Working St Language Scripts-Doc Docs-Scripts Doc. Letters Doc. (Ronnie Rhino). Docs IV. BD. Captain Comedy. IGGS. Uncle Tony. Dark. TV Cover Let. RTBCommic TRIFFIK. Shorts. Smut. Specs. SS2001. Atari UK Language Disk. First Word Plus Disk 1 of 2. First Word Plus Disk 2 of 2. A holder containing 12 floppy disks, each are marked: Interphase (a video game) Side A: Golden Axe & Puzznic (two game demos), Side B: Personal Finance Manager+ Faster Magazine #1 Docs/Scripts Doc. Redmax. Docs/Scripts Doc. Hangar 17 + Space Vet Docs/Scripts Doc. The Wapping Experiment. Docs/Scripts/Doc. Kooky. Acne. Pizza. R-BIII. [FULL DISK] DEMO'S Demonstrations & Sample Programs Disk 5 Games & Utilities Disk 3 The One. Side A: Electronic Arts' Fusion Dream. Side B: Hewson's Nebulus. CP/M V2.2 TOS Format Disk 1. CP/M Utilities. For use with CP/M Emulator. Disk 2. A holder containing 10 floppy disks, each are marked: Docs V in RTB. PGN. Scripts Doc. RTB Computer Game. Letters Doc. Inc CV '92. Domestic App. Brains Comic Strip. Docs VI. Scripts-Doc inc. Antboy. Caveboy. Redmax. Docs III. RTB III. Grunts/Letters. Payments/Paginate. (invoices). Scripts. Lyrics. Doc. Docs II. Grunts/Letters. RTB IV. Payments/Paginate/Scripts. SI. Inc. Dave the Whale. Docs/Scripts Doc. Splat II Doc. RTB III. Docs. Scripts-Doc. Atombanana. Splatter. Syn. Inc. ZodiacSyn. EuropopSyn. Docs. [I] Cards Left. Grunts/Letters/Nasty TV. Payments/Paginate. Scripts/Art Due. Robopled Doc. Batman. Jolly Roger. Docs/Scripts Doc. Inc. PopComic. SIComic. New Kids' Comic Ideas. Pictures. MONO: Degas High Res Pictures. COLOURL Neochrome Low Res Pictures. Working 1st Word + Disk 1. Damaged. A grey folder marked 'SERIES II + COMIC', containing: Doc Croc: Sunlamp Nancy's Nose: Lake Half Page Quiz for Round the Bend Special Fact File comics Round the Bend (RTB) payments Round the Bend flyers List of scripts faxed to Patrick Gallagher Round the Bend Special Documents Quiz: Are You RTB? Fact Files on Various Characters The Oddbods drafts Fatman drafts Nursery Spot docs Karate Kiddie draft Puzzle Page for RTB RTB Special Docs Vegetables - The Soap Opera from Down Underground Thunderpants Fatman docs and draft Benny: Lift Lucy: Restaurant RTB Special Docs Mouldisocks and the Bears' House Nursery Spot Draft The Oddbods draft Tommy's Magic Time Trousers draft RTB Special Studio Fees David Colemole sketch John Potato's newsround False Teeth scripts Song parodies: Poo-2, Michael Jackdrug, etc. A grey folder marked 'OINK CARBONS IV', containing: Laura Letts her Incredible Pets script Barry the Barbarian script Smart Ass - the world's most sarcastic donkey, script Grandead - the zombie grandfather! Script Script for spitting image/nothing sacred magazine, fax, to Giles Pilbrow Morgan's Organs draft Humphrey Bogey docs and draft Fax to Fiona Jerome with script ideas for John Brown Publishing 23/12/91 Fax to Paul Cockburn, Frank the Plank Fax to Martin Higginson, idea for a Garford strip Letter to Martin [Higginson?] saying he won't work for ACNE anymore as pay has been reduced, but would be willing to do a special or annual Fax of p.1-5 of Nessie to Paul Cockburn Faxes to Martin Higginson, several scripts: Trainspotters, Smeghurst High, Garford, Grandad Pat To PC, Dr Blood's Monster Hospital Photocopy of 'Video World' front cover, July 1991 2 A3 sketches of parody cover, 'Video Wank' for October 1992 Spoilt Brat Madvertisements Roboplod Desert island dan The Naughtie Girls Officer Shottom and his Singin' Bottom Deadly Brains from the Planet Stupid! D.I.Y dad Handwritten page 'Escapism' 3 pages and 2 A3 page pencilled comic Draft handwritten letter saying he is faxing a script (to bill Hampton gas/elephant parts) 'Deadly brains from the planet stupid!' different script to previous p.1-5 Photocopy of a letter to bill Hampton with ideas Handwritten letter to 'tony' with ideas for 'times' daily strip A3 pencil sketch comic133'flash condom' Handwritten re-working of Rod Stewart song Faxed article, 'top 10 comics to avoid' 'Whatever happened to133' parody & handwritten version of this Hamlet II: return from the grave - cast page x2 and pencil of front cover, and handwritten cast page Invoices Letter to editor protesting against war against Lithuania Bealtes Reunion Continued Wally + his trolley & a fax regarding this - mark Rodgers wants trolley to have a life of its own Superbman Talking Balls The Wingin Pom Parody problem pages, Ronnie and Reggi The Amazingly Spidery-man! Captain Iraq Faxes to 'Bill' about scripts Dirty Mammy A3 Magmum dated 3/7/90 in pencil Comics to Avoid Handwritten Draft The Phantom Hand Jiver Handwritten My Romance Photo Lust presents Felix the Catamite blueprint The Savage Sword of Colin the Barbarian 2 letters asking 'suicide hotel' to be considered for publication (short story) Suicide Institute drafts Knight Panini A3 western comic, no title Timtim Brain Damage Presents: school movies that never made it Colonel Ollie Barking Mad Superdan Newslines inc. Sketch: Joke letter to Princess Anne from Sun Editor Bang, short story Prince Charles and the Psychiatrist 'Eggs' - joke news article Letter to Lee Montgomery, asking for a short story to be considered for publication Letter to David Thomas, presenting ideas for consideration Two felt tip pages of joke school uniform Grey boy marked 'PUBLISHED STORIES, RECENT CARBONS', containing: Comics: [title unknown] features characters Mars, Harold, Maude, Arthur etc A Holiday in Hell The Incredible Shrinking Dick The Secret Life of an Edwardian Country Vicar A Bucket of Barbed Wire Lance Boil, Private Dick Justice Traps the Guilty The Big Finch Newspaper cuttings: Bash street kids at 30 (1984) 'The Call of the Wild, by Colin Ward, in STAND - article on film, Hays Code etc (1984) Two pieces on Disney: The Listener, 'The Real Disney Philosophy' by Russell Davies and Arts Guardian, 'In Walts Time' by Nick Higham (both 1984) Two pieces on representation of women in comics: 'The Nasties of Yeste[unknown], author unknown, in Observer magazine 1984, and 'Is YOUR daughter being brainwashed?' author unknown, daily mirror 1983, appears to be a photocopy? 'Why we still desperately need Desperate Dan & Co' daily mail 1987, by A N Wilson 'The Hidden Persuaders' Peter Conrad 1984 in the observer 'Six of the best comics', Tom Scott, paper & date unknown (review of 'The Empire's Old Clothes by Ariel Dorfman) 'Barbar, the docile wog' by Jeff Nuttall, Artful Reporter, 1984 'Farewell sane humour, wit and tolerance' Keith Milligan, date & paper unknown Blue paper folder containing: A mixture of handwritten & printed scripts, letters Dennis the Menace Tidy Tim 'Walter' - the movie Bash Street Kids Beano specials Biography CV Suicide Institute Letter regarding 'suicide institute' Letters regarding membership to National Union of Journalists, 1989 Letter to MP regarding voting in favour of 'Official Secrets Bill', 1989 Letter the editor of media guardian, arguing that rock fans are not badly catered for, 1990 Letter to Mr Sharp enclosing CV and sample of work, 1990 Letter to Young Guardian editor of letters, arguing that IRA leaders are not incompetent, 1991 Letter regarding a continuity error in Batman film, 1991 Letter to Guardian letters editor, arguing about voting Labour, 1992 Letters to and from David Donaldson regarding scripts, submissions, rejections, and offers to publish, Bash Street Kids and Dennis the Menace, 1989 Letters to and from Denise O'Donoghue regarding screen voiceover and a tv series, 1989
Administrative / Biographical History
Mark Rogers was an artist who with Patrick Gallagher and Tony Husband founded Oink! magazine, a subversive and alternative kids' comic with broad appeal. It was published by Fleetway publications between 1986 and 1988, eventually merged with Buster. The founders went on to create the children's TV series Round the Bend.
There's an Oink! Facebook group which Tony Husband and some of the artists post on. OinkComic@groups.facebook.comArrangement
Usually chronological within series.
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Open for consultation subject to preservation requirements. Access must also conform to the restrictions of the Data Protection Act (2018), General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR, 2018) and any other relevant legislation or restrictions. Clinical information is closed for 100 years.
Acquisition Information
Passed to the School of English and transferred to the Archive by the depositor, as part of the Comics collection
Mark Rogers was an artist who with Patrick Gallagher and Tony Husband founded Oink! magazine, a subversive and alternative kids' comic with broad appeal. It was published by Fleetway publications between 1986 and 1988, eventually merged with Buster. The founders went on to create the children's TV series Round the Bend.
There's an Oink! Facebook group which Tony Husband and some of the artists post on. OinkComic@groups.facebook.comArchivist's Note
Description compiled by Hailey Austin
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Reproduction is available subject to preservation requirements. Charges may be made for this service, and copyright and other restrictions may apply; please check with the Duty Archivist.
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