Professor Henry Edward Armstrong Lecture Notes
- Reference:GB 235 ARM
- Dates of Creation:1912 - 1921
- Name of Creator:
- Language of Material:English
- Physical Description:1 folder
Scope and Content
GB 235 ARM/1 - Lecture on 'Stimulation of Plant Growth' given at 3pm on the 5th March 1912 to the Royal Horticultural Society, Vincent Square, Westminster, this is a typescript from shorthand notes taken by Mr. C.E. Barnett of Grecian Chambers, Devereux Court, W.C. London. These are notes of a lecture on how plants are stimulated to grow, with practical demonstrations.
GB 235 ARM/2 - Lecture on 'Enzymes in Relation to Plant Growth' given on the 3rd June 1921 at King's College, Cambridge. Consists of two lectures on the same subject with demonstrations, slides and blackboard formulae, covering enzymes, their definitions and how they are believed to interact to promote plant growth.Administrative / Biographical History
Armstrong was a lecturer in Chemistry in London and researched agricultural chemistry.
Access Information
Collection is open to researchers by appointment, see (right click, open link in new tab:)
Armstrong was a lecturer in Chemistry in London and researched agricultural chemistry.
Physical Characteristics and/or Technical Requirements
GB 235 ARM/1 - 13 single sided typed pages, in folder, each 200x320mm
GB 235 ARM/2 - 33 single sided typed pages, each 200x260mmConditions Governing Use
Permission required from RBGE.
Custodial History
Additional Information
GB 235 ARM