Collection of Edinburgh University Settlement Week, and Edinburgh University Dramatic Society programmes, and other material gathered together by Mae Wapienkowa
- Reference:GB 237 Coll-1800
- Dates of Creation:1946-1950
- Name of Creator:
- Language of Material:English
- Physical Description:0.10 folders
Scope and Content
Collection of Edinburgh University Settlement Week, and Edinburgh University Dramatic Society programmes, and other material gathered together by Mae Wapienkowa. It includes...:
Photographs x 76... Varsity Vanities 1946, 1947, 1948, and Charities Day
'Programmes x 8, being: 'Roundabout', Charities show, Little Theatre, April-May [1945]; 'Varsity Vanities 1946', Little Theatre, April-May 1946, with cast signatures; 'Varsity Vanities 1947', Little Theatre, April 1947, two copies; 'Varsity Vanities 1948', Little Theatre, April-May 1948, three copies; and, 'Adam the Creator', Edinburgh University Dramatic Society, Little Theatre, February 1949
Printed matter, being: 'The Student', Vol.XLV., No.8., 1 March 1949; 'Gardyloo', Charities newspaper, 30 April - 6 May 1950;, and Philosphy, Spring term exam' paper, 13 March 1947There are also a number of scripts, being...:
1 x folder, 'Varsity Vanities', complete script of spoken items... all the scripted spoken material, excluding songs, dances, guest acts (e.g. Peter Moffat's conjuring act) for which see the programme
1 x folder, 'Varsity Vanities', partial script, labelled 'Brian Moyes' at top
1 x folder with 9 x drafts, various, some incomplete
2 x folders, various
1 x folder, opening chorus
1 x folder, 'Raw material'
1 x folder, 'The serious item', 'Knight takes king'
1 x folder, 'Won't you write a little script?'
1 x folder, 'Bash on regardless'
1 x folder, 'Crime marches on'Other material...:
Alphabet lists - 'Varsity Vanities 1946, report - Audition scripts - Choreography - Interim running orders - Unused script, 'Mime' - Unused script, '... murder'Access Information
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