Papers of Keith Vickerman, 1933-2016, Regius Professor of Zoology, University of Glasgow, Scotland
- Reference:GB 248 ACCN 4076; ACCN 4232
- Dates of Creation:c1950s-2012
- Name of Creator:
- Language of Material:English
- Physical Description:12.8 linear metres
Scope and Content
ACCN 4076:
- Degree certificates, 1955-1970;
- Financial papers and accounts, 1958-2009;
- Personal and professional correspondence, 1946-2009;
- Applications for jobs and grants by Vickerman with related papers, 1962-2009;
- Applications for jobs and grants by others with related papers and correspondence, 1962-2005;
- Research notes and lecture materials, 1960s-2001;
- Drafts of journal articles by Vickerman with related correspondence, Jun 1968-Apr 2002;
- Papers relating to scientific societies, 1969-2007;
- Papers related to conferences, professional visits and meetings, Jan 1962-Apr 2008;
- Books and other printed material on Zoology and related fields, 1960-2007;
- Photographs, illustrations and diagrams, personal and scientific c1960s-2006;
- Printed ephemera, 1970s-2000;
- Lab Coat, c1980s-2000s.
ACCN 4232:
- Personal papers, 1963-2012;
- Personal and professional correspondence, 1964-2011;
- Applications for jobs and grants with related papers and correspondence, 2001-2004;
- Research notes and lecture materials, 1970-2009;
- Drafts of journal articles with related correspondence, 20th-early 21st century;
- Papers relating to scientific societies, 2003-2009;
- Papers relating to conferences, professional visits and meetings, 1966-2009;
- Publications and other printed material on Zoology and related fields, 1949-2011;
- Diaries, 1973-2008;
- Photographs, illustrations and diagrams, personal and scientific, 1984-2003.
Administrative / Biographical History
Keith Vickerman (1933-2016) was an Honorary Professor in the Division of Environmental and Evolutionary Biology. He was titular Professor of Zoology 1974 to his appointment to the John Graham Kerr Chair of Zoology 1979, and Regius Professor of Zoology 1984-1998. Born in Huddersfield 21 March 1933, he attended local schools and King James's Grammar School.
He studied Zoology at University College London under Professor P.B. Medawar and the helminthologist Ben Dawes. He graduated with first class honours in 1955. He studied for a PHD at the University of Exeter under the supervision of Dr Julian Hawes.
In 1958 he was awarded a lectureship in Zoology at University College London. Whilst a lecturer he worked for a time at the East African Trypanosomiasis Research Organization in Tororo, Uganda. In 1963 he was awarded a Royal Society's Tropical Research Fellowship. He spent time at the Nigerian Institute of Trypanosomiasis Research in Jos, in northern Nigeria. His research there led him to new discoveries about trypanosomes that would lead to the development of anti-trypanosome drugs.
In 1968 he was made a Reader of Zoology at Glasgow University. In 1974 he was appointed to a Titular Chair, in 1979 John Graham Kerr Professor of Zoology and in 1984 Regius Professor. He became a Fellow the Royal Society of Edinburgh in 1970, the Royal Society in 1984 and the United Kingdom Academy of Medical Sciences in 1998. He was a recipient of the Royal Society Leeuwenhoek medal and the gold medal of the Linnean Society. He retired in 2000 but continued to work on a series of collaborative studies with Tom Cavalier-Smith with the help of a small number of postgraduate students and research colleagues.
Vickerman was a keen gardener and President of the Friends of the Glasgow Botanic Gardens. He addressed Scottish Parliament in 2001 on the need for allotments and green corridors running through cities. He died on 28 June 2016.
Listed by box. Items are generally listed in their original order.
Access Information
Access to certain records within this collection is restricted in accordance with data protection legislation as they contain information about potentially living individuals. Please email Archives and Special Collections for advice:
Acquisition Information
Transfer : Zoology : 02/12/2016 : ACCN 4076
Gift : Moira Vickerman : 23/11/2018 : ACCN 4232
Other Finding Aids
See also University of Glasgow Collections
File list available. Please email Archives & Special Collections to request a copy:
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No known copies
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Applications for permission to quote should be sent to Reproduction subject to usual conditions: educational use and condition of documents
Appraisal Information
This material has not yet been appraised in line with standard GB 248 procedures
Custodial History
Not known
None expected
Related Material
Records of the University of Glasgow Department of Zoology GUA ZOO
Location of Originals
This material is original
Personal Names
Corporate Names
Geographical Names