Letters of Rev. Reginald John Campbell (1867-1956)
- Reference:GB 237 Coll-827
- Dates of Creation:1905-1910
- Name of Creator:
- Language of Material:English.
- Physical Description:2 letters. Access to records in a fragile condition may be restricted.
Scope and Content
The material is composed of: a typescript letter from Campbell at Hill lodge, Enfield, offering thanks for a booklet entitled Our Father's church but declining an invitation to join the new organisation; and a typescript letter from Campbell at the Liberal-Christian League, to Mr. Page Hopps, seeking 'some opportunity of obtaining first-hand acquaintance with psychic phenomena'.
Administrative / Biographical History
The English divine Reginald John Campbell was born in London in 1867. He was educated privately before attending University College, Nottingham and then Christ Church, Oxford. He became a Congregational Minister in 1895. He spent some years in Brighton and then from 1903 was Congregational Minister at the City Temple, London. Campbell joined the Church of England in 1916 and became attached to the staff of Birmingham Cathedral before appointment as Vicar of Christ Church, Westminster, 1917-1921, and then Holy Trinity, Brighton, 1924-1930. He became Residentiary Canon and Chancellor of Chichester in 1930, and was Chaplain and theological lecturer of Bishop Otter College, Chichester, 1933-1936. His published work includes The new theology (1907) and The call of Christ (1933). The Rev. Reginald John Campbell died on 1 March 1956.
Access Information
Generally open for consultation to bona fide researchers, but please contact repository for details in advance.
Acquisition Information
Material purchased among miscellaneous letters of Scottish interest, E. Hall, 1976, Accession no. E76.32.
The biographical/administrative history was compiled using the following material: (1) Who was who 1951-1960. London: Adam and Charles Black, 1961.
Compiled by Graeme D Eddie, Edinburgh University Library, Special Collections Division.
Other Finding Aids
Important finding aids generally are: the alphabetical Index to Manuscripts held at Edinburgh University Library, Special Collections and Archives, consisting of typed slips in sheaf binders and to which additions were made until 1987; and the Index to Accessions Since 1987.
Check the local Indexes for details of any additions.
Related Material
The local Indexes show references to a Campbell, R. J. and material in the Sarolea Collection (check the Indexes for more details): letters (3) to C. Sarolea, 1912 and undated, at Sar.Coll.8; and, letters (2) from C. Sarolea, 1912-1913, at Sar.Coll.8.
Personal Names