Minutes of the Royal College of Nursing Council meetings
- Reference:GB 1199 RCN2/1/1966
- Dates of Creation:1966
- Name of Creator:
- Physical Description:0.01m
Scope and Content
Meetings were held roughly monthly, with meetings in January, February, March, April, May, July, September, October and December. They are arranged in the following order: minutes of the previous meeting, minutes of current meeting, agenda of current meeting, papers of current meeting.
Items addressed at every meeting are: the location of the meeting, attendees and apologies, matters arising, correspondence, Congress, membership matters, reports from committees, reports from national boards, use of the seal, membership numbers.
During 1966 the topics discussed by Council include:
Labour relations
Day nurseries in hospitals
Restrictions on recruitment of nursing staff
Golden Jubilee 1966
Guide to nursing establishments
Nursing libraries
Secondment of nurse tutors to developing countries
Education centres in hospitals
National Association of Chief Male Nurses
Film on occupational health nursing
Cowdray Club
Salmon Committee
Questions about religion
A Reform of Nursing Education
Labelling and packaging of drugs
Legalised abortion
Polish Nurses Association
This record relates to two separate sets of minutes: the original set is signed. This volume is kept in Store B.
The other set is a copy of the original, split into two volumes. One volume runs from 20 Jan to 19 May 1966, and the other from 21 Jul to 15 Dec 1966. These volumes are kept in Store A.
Access Information
This collection is available for research. Readers are advised to contact the RCN Archives in advance of their first visit.
Other Finding Aids
Most recent online Royal College of Nursing Archives Catalogue is available at http://www.rcn.org.uk/development/library_and_heritage_services.
Conditions Governing Use
Royal College of Nursing
Custodial History
The main bulk of volumes came from London library historical collection to Edinburgh with the Archives' collections in 1992. Library maintained a copy set. From 1992 up until 2009 the papers were transferred directly by Council and Committee Admin (previously 'General Secretariat', or 'General Secretary's Office') One copy went to RCN Library for binding and the original to Archives, unbound. In January 2017 the two sets were brought together to create one full run of papers and an additional run, with copies of most years. The more complete set is held in Store A and the less complete set in Store B.