Minutes of the Royal College of Nursing Council meetings
- Reference:GB 1199 RCN2/1/1992
- Dates of Creation:1992
- Name of Creator:
- Physical Description:0.02m
Scope and Content
Meetings were held every few months, in January, March, July and October. Each meeting is split into open and closed sessions (in the following format: closed agenda, supporting papers for closed agenda items, open agenda; supporting papers for open agenda items; agendas of extraordinary meetings, supporting papers for extraordinary meetings).
Items addressed at every meeting are: the location of the meeting, attendees and apologies, matters arising, General Secretary's report, membership matters, education, employment policy, health and social policy, international, nursing policy, research and development, reports from national boards.
During 1992 the topics discussed by Council in open sessions include:
Community health nursing
Political update
Declaration of the rights of people with HIV and AIDS
Relationship between institutions of higher education and colleges of nursing and midwifery
UK Central Council for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting (UKCC) professional conduct rules
Patient focussed hospitals
The Health of the Nation
RCN rules
1993 Council calendar
Marketing strategy
Competitor organisations
Part time members
The topics discussed by Council in closed sessions include:
National membership groups
Scutari Projects Ltd
RCN honours and awards
This record relates to two separate sets of minutes: the original set covers two volumes. These volumes are kept in Store B.
The other set is a copy of the original, and also covers two volumes. These volumes are kept in Store A.
Access Information
This collection is available for research. Readers are advised to contact the RCN Archives in advance of their first visit.
Other Finding Aids
Most recent online Royal College of Nursing Archives Catalogue is available at http://www.rcn.org.uk/development/library_and_heritage_services.
Conditions Governing Use
Royal College of Nursing
Custodial History
The main bulk of volumes came from London library historical collection to Edinburgh with the Archives' collections in 1992. Library maintained a copy set. From 1992 up until 2009 the papers were transferred directly by Council and Committee Admin (previously 'General Secretariat', or 'General Secretary's Office') One copy went to RCN Library for binding and the original to Archives, unbound. In January 2017 the two sets were brought together to create one full run of papers and an additional run, with copies of most years. The more complete set is held in Store A and the less complete set in Store B.