Anne Scott Doll Collection, Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow, Scotland
- Reference:GB 1694 DC 038
- Dates of Creation:c1956
- Name of Creator:
- Language of Material:English
- Physical Description:27 dolls
Scope and Content
The collection consists of 27 dolls all dressed in period costume. They are composed of various mixed media including fabrics, metal, glass, plastics, feathers and furs.
Administrative / Biographical History
In 1956, when he was deputy director of the Glasgow School of Art , Glasgow, Scotland, Sir Harry Barnes commissioned Anne Scott to produce a collection of dolls. The dolls are intended to symbolise various figures from Scottish and British History, and were on long-term display within the School. They were then used as as a teaching aid in Glasgow School of Art's Embroidered and Woven Textile Department. Each doll would have originally been part of a smaller group of three or four figures. Unfortunately over time some of the dolls have become lost or irreparably damaged, leaving some groups incomplete, and some dolls that do not seem to fit coherently into any group.
Anne Scott was a graduate of Edinburgh College of Art, and was well known at the time for her dolls. The dolls underwent some conservation from Anne Scott in 2000 where repairs were made and each doll received a new stand.
The dolls are arranged chronologically by group. The arrangement within each group starts with the most important or most easily identifiable member of each group, followed in age order. Dolls that are without a coherent group are listed at the end of the scheme.
Access Information
Glasgow School of Art Archives and Collections are open for research by appointment.
Other Finding Aids
An item level list of the collection is available in the searchroom.
Alternative Form Available
No known copies.
Appraisal Information
This material has been appraised in line with Glasgow School of Art Archives and Collections standard procedures.
Custodial History
Created by Anne Scott and used within the Department of Embroidered and Woven Textiles.
Date of deposit with the Glasgow School of Art Archives: unknown.
Related Material
There is no known related material.
There are no known publications using this material.Subjects
Personal Names
Corporate Names