University of Dundee, Department of Physiology
- Reference:GB 254 RU 777
- Dates of Creation:1939- 1990
- Name of Creator:
- Physical Description:0.28 linear metres
Scope and Content
Items relating to physiology courses. 1929- 1959; Examination and teaching papers, 1946-1965; Class attendance lists, 1890-1935; Items relating to the finance of the department of Physiology, Feb 1966-Jul 1968; Manuals and equipment, 1957-1977; Miscellaneous.c. 1950- 1990.
Usually chronological within series.
Access Information
Open for consultation subject to preservation requirements. Access must also conform to the restrictions of the Data Protection Act (2018), General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR, 2018) and any other relevant legislation or restrictions. Clinical information is closed for 100 years.
Acquisition Information
Accessions from the physiology department from Matthew Jarron 4th March 2004. These items came to MJ when the rebuilding work was happening in the Physiology department. They are also from Lynda Mc Glone, curator of Physiology.
Other Finding Aids
Descriptive list.
Physical Characteristics and/or Technical Requirements
The material is on paper.
Archivist's Note
Description compiled by Mareike Platt
Conditions Governing Use
Reproduction is available subject to preservation requirements. Charges may be made for this service, and copyright and other restrictions may apply; please check with the Duty Archivist.
Not expected
Additional Information
RU 777