Faculty of Law & College of Social Sciences
- Reference:GB 254 RU 900
- Dates of Creation:1960-2012
- Name of Creator:
- Physical Description:37 bankers boxes
Scope and Content
Box 1: Academic Standards 2003-2004; Faculty Board 2004-2005, 2005-2006; Planning Committee 2005-2006; New Programme Approval Panel, April 2001; Session Committee papers 8th November 2001; Extract of Minutes 22 November 2000 Box 2: Quality Committee 2004-2005, 2005-2006; Faculty Board 2003-2004; File 1/1 C. A Students & non- graduating students, 1973-1977. Box 3: Post Graduate Committee & Staff Students Committee 2004-2005, 2005-2006; File 1/5-7 C. A Students 1966-1969; File 1/4 C. A Students 1960-1963 Box 4: File 1/1 C. A Students; File 3/7 C A Students 1963-1966; File 3/8 C; File 5/1 C.A Students 1969-1973 Box 5: File 5/5/1; File 7/2/1 (1); File 7/2/1 (2); File 7/2/1 (3) Box 6: File 8/1-7; 2 unlabelled files; File 12/7/0 Box 7: File 13/2/2; File 15/3/0; File 16/0; File 16/10 Box 8: 3 unlabelled files; File 19 Box 9: File 11/11/2; File 19/2; File 21/2/1; File 21/2/4 Box 10: File 21/3/6; 1 unlabelled file; File 4/2 Dean & Associate Deans; File 1/5/2 (1) Accounts and Business Finance Department Box 11: File 1/5/2 (3); File 1/5/2 (4); File 1/5/3; File 1/6/1 Box 12: File 1/6/2; File 1/6/3 & 4 in the same file; File 3/8/1; File 3/8/2 Box 13: File 6/8 Finance; File 8/1/10; File 8/1/1; File 12/2/3 Box 14: File 12/2/3 (2) 1992-1994 Department of Law; File 12/2/3 (3) 1995-1997; File 16/2/0 (1) 1997-1999; File 16/2/0 (2) October 1991 - March 1993 Box 15: File 16/2/0 (3) June 1993-March 1995; File 16/2/0 (4) April 1995 - September 1996; File 16/2/0 (5) october 1996 - September 1997; File 16/2/0 (6) October 1997-October 1998 Box 16: File 16/2/0 (7) November 1998-February 2000; File 16/2/0 (8) January 2001-December 2002; File 16/15 Publicity; File 18/5 Research Fellowship Box 17: File 19/11/0 Statistics general; File 19/11/1-3 Statistics; File 19/11/4 Statistics LLB; Faculty Board Session Minutes July 1958-June 1963, 1963-1966, 1966-1967, 1967-1968, 1975-1976 Box 18: Faculty Board Session 1968-1979 Box 19: Faculty Board Sessions 1978-1979, 2 files 1979-1980 ; 2 files 1980-1981; 2 files 1988-1989; 2 files 1989-1990 Box 20: Sub Committee 2 files 1983-1984, 2 files 1984-1985, 2 files 1985-1986, 2 files 1986-1987, 2 files 1987-1988 Box 21: Faculty Board Session 2 files 1982-1983; 1981-1982; 1997-1998; October 1995-January 1996; 2 files 1996-1997; Box 22: Faculty Board Session 1992-1993, 1993-1994, 1994-1995 October-January; 1994-1995 February - May; 1995-1996 February-May; Sub Committee 1993-1994, 1994-1995, 1995-1996 Box 23: Faculty Board Session 1990-1991, 1991-1992, 1997-1998 October -January, 1999-2000; Sub Committee 1990-1991, 1991-1992, 1992-1993; Academic Standards 1999 Box 24: Faculty Board 1999-2000 October - January, February - May, 2000-2001 Ocotber - February; Academic Standards 1998-1999, 2000-2001; Sub Commitee 1997-1998, 2000-2001 Box 25: Faculty Board 200-2001 April - May; 2001-2002, 2002-2003; Sub Committee 2001-2003, 2002-2003; Faculty Planning 2001-2002; Academic Standards 2001-2003 Box 26: Academic Standards 2002-2003; Faculty Planning 2002-2003; Session Papers 1987-1990 Box 27: Sessions Papers 1982-1987 Box 28: Session Papers 1979-1982, 1992-1993; Academic Standards 1997-1998 Box 29: Faculty Session 1998-1999; Session Papers 1990-1991, 1991-1992, 1993-1994, 1994-1995 (1-70; 71-155) Box 30: Session Papers 1995-1996 (1-86; 87-123), 1996-1997 (1-120; 121-217), 1997-1998 (1-100) Box 31: Session papers 1997-1998 (101-187), 1998-1999 (1-90; 91-212), 1999-2000 (101-214) Box 32: Session Papers 200-2001 (1-100; 101-230), 2001-2002 (1-69; 70-191), 2002-2003 (1-54) Box 33: Session Papers 2002-2003 (55-100; 101-195), 2003-2004 ( 1-110; 111-117), 2004-2005 (1-140; 141-265) Box 34: Session Papers 2004-2005 (141-265), 2005-2--6 (1-175; 176-331); 2006-2007; Law with Languages 1998-2003 Box 35: Session Papers 2007-2012 Box 36: Law Board 1995-1999; Accountancy Business and Finance Board 1995-1998; CPMLP Board, 1994-1999; College Planning Committee2006-2007; College Planning Board, 2006-2007; Accountancy and Business Finance Department, 1980s; Dean, Faculty Planning 1999-2002; Dean, CEPMLP, 1990s; Law Society Scotland 1987-2001; Law Society Students 1975-2004 Box 37: Dean, General files - 2 folders, 1990-2003; Statistics 1990-1991; Law Department 2001-2005; CEPMLP, 2002-2005; Accountancy and Business Finance collaboration with other colleges, 1992-2001; Agreements collaboration 2000-2002; Staff Statistics, 197-1987; Statistics B.ACC applications, 1990s; Statistics B. Finn applications, 1990s; Statistics LLB applications, 1990s; Faculty Planning, 2002-2003; Open Day, 1970s-2002 Lever arch file containg a Departmental Handbook, 1995. This came from Professor Colin Reid's office. (Acc 2016/805)
Usually chronological within series.
Access Information
Open for consultation subject to preservation requirements. Access must also conform to the restrictions of the Data Protection Act (2018), General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR, 2018) and any other relevant legislation or restrictions. Clinical information is closed for 100 years.
Acquisition Information
Transfer from the Faculty of Law & College of Social Sciences
Physical Characteristics and/or Technical Requirements
Mostly paper records
Archivist's Note
Description compiled by Sharon Kelly 26/10/2015
Conditions Governing Use
Reproduction is available subject to preservation requirements. Charges may be made for this service, and copyright and other restrictions may apply; please check with the Duty Archivist.
Custodial History
Faculty of Law & College of Social Sciences
Not expected
Additional Information
RU 900