Wartime Charts- including defences
- Reference:GB 3641 CHT2/19/36
- Former Reference:GB 3641 U36
- Language of Material:English
- Physical Description:9 maps in map-chest
Scope and Content
0. FIrth of Forth hydrographic map Fisherrow to Port Edgar. Published by the Admiralty. Marked Secret then declassified, 1942
1. No item
2. River Forth: Carron river to Stirling hydrographic chart. Published by the Admiralty. 1900 revised 1936
3. Firth of Forth: Map of Inchkeith and minor islands
4. Inchkeith showing WW1 miliary buildings. Scale 1/360. B&W Surveyed 1914,revised 1918
5. a. Inchcolm plan No 2, surveyed 1904, revised 1914
b. Inchcolm Plan No 3, surveyed 1904, revised 1918
c. Inchcolm plan No 5, surveyed 1904, revised 1918
d. Inchcolm SW corner, 1918
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