Royal Scottish Geographical Society reference collection
- Reference:GB 249 SC RSGS reference
- Dates of Creation:1813-2008
- Name of Creator:
- Physical Description:18 metres of books + 2 metres of oversize books
Scope and Content
This collection forms part of the "Royal Scottish Geographical Society collection": which is held in the main library. This component of the collection contains the rare and valuable items not available for borrowing.
The collection includes works on polar exploration, mountaineering, travel and topography.Administrative / Biographical History
Founded in 1884 to ‘advance the science of Geography in all its branches’, the Royal Scottish Geographical Society promotes an understanding of the inter-relationships between people, places and the environment through geographical research, education, debate, travel and exploration. The Society also has an important role to play in representing the broader interests of geography education in Scotland and in providing appropriate links between schools, higher education institutions, commerce and industry and the general public.
Access Information
Acquisition Information
The collection, transferred to the University of Strathclyde in 1993, is held on deposit from the Royal Scottish Geographical Society.
Founded in 1884 to ‘advance the science of Geography in all its branches’, the Royal Scottish Geographical Society promotes an understanding of the inter-relationships between people, places and the environment through geographical research, education, debate, travel and exploration. The Society also has an important role to play in representing the broader interests of geography education in Scotland and in providing appropriate links between schools, higher education institutions, commerce and industry and the general public.
Other Finding Aids
All the books in this collection are catalogued on SUPrimo the University of Strathclyde Library's integrated search service.
"Search "MLRSGSREF" to find a full list of titles in the Royal Scottish Geographical Society reference collection":'s Note
Created by Carol Stewart, July 2017.
The Royal Scottish Geographical Society continue to make occasional deposits to this collection.
Additional Information