Charters and related documents
- Reference:GB 232 HCA/BF/1/18/1
- Dates of Creation:1455-1661
- Language of Material:English
- Physical Description:1 bundle
Scope and Content
All but one of the items are copies of the originals and includes: translation of Charter by James II of 18th June, 1455 (and one copy), copy letter Queen Mary to Bishop Ross 1st March, 1552 (and one copy), copy precept of Charter for Burgh of Rosemarkie 19th January, 1553, with a translation (Charter was never made out) and one copy, copy Charter by James VI in favour of Burgh of Fortrose August, 1590, copy translation of Sasine following on this Charter by James VI in favour of Burgh of Rosemarkie of November, 1592, and one extract of the same, copy of Charter by James VI in favour of Burgh of Rosemarkie of 18th September, 1612, and two translations of this Charter, copy of Act of Parliament of May 1661 in favour of Burgh of Fortrose by which Chanonry and Rosemarkie were united in one Burgh (missing), receipt of £2: 2: - paid to Alex. Simpson for deciphering and translating five charters of the Burgh, August 1789, transcription of Charter of James II in 1455, Sasine of Fortrose Charter of 1590, Sasine of Rosemarkie Charter of 1592, Charter of 1592 (in this order), Precept of Sasine of 1592, Charter of Rosemarkie 1612, Precept of Sasine of 1612 (bound together), (note – The Fortrose Charter of 1590 is known only in its register copy while the Sasine of the 1612 Charter is to be found in the first (and only) volume of Register of Sasines for Rosemarkie), copy Charter by James II in favour of Burgh of Inverness – ‘The Golden Charter’ and a copy translation, two copies of draft Contract of Agreement betwixt Rosemarkie and Channory 1658.
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