Busby Public School
- Reference:GB 3143 12
- Dates of Creation:1899 - 2002
- Name of Creator:
- Language of Material:English
- Physical Description:1 linear metre. Volumes publications loose papers and photographs. no particular requirements
Scope and Content
The records comprise admission (and leavers') registers, log books and records relating to some individual children, records of the school such as Inspection Reports, and a series of legislation, standards and circulars.
No series of records is complete, but the archive periodically covers the period from 1899 to 2002.
Administrative / Biographical History
Busby Public School was founded in 1876, originally serving the parishes of Mearns, Carmunock and Cathcart.
The original building, along with the records of the school, were destroyed by fire in 1900
The School was maintained by the local School Board, by the County of Renfrew Education Committee 1933 and by Strathclyde Regional Council from 1974.
The archive was received in a somewhat disordered state, and has been arranged as follows
Pupil Records:
1 Admission (and Leavers') Registers
2 Log Books
3 Pupil Gradings
4 Pupil Photographs
School Records:
5 School Annual Inspection Reports
6 School misc.
Education Records:
7 Education Legislation and Standards
8 Group Photographs
Access Information
Some records are closed for defined periods to protect the personal data of individuals as per the guidelines agreed by the Archivists of Scottish Local Authorities Working Group. Individuals, however, may request to view their own personal records.
Acquisition Information
The bulk of the records were transferred to the East Renfrewshire Archives by Busby History Group as Accession 2010/03 on 26th May 2010.
Series 8, the group photographs, were donated to ERC via the National Records of Scotland in Feb 2020 (Accession 2021/01)
This description was based on the General International Standard for Archival Description and East Renfrewshire Council's Manual of Listing and Archival Description.
Other Finding Aids
An item level list has been prepared and is searchable on the archives database.
Archivist's Note
Description prepared by Craig Geddes, Council Records Manager. 15/05/12 - 03/09/12
Conditions Governing Use
As above
Appraisal Information
All records transferred to the archives have been retained with the exception of duplicate copies of published legislation.
Custodial History
The records were held at the school until they were transferred to the Busby Historical Group sometime around 2000.
Series 8, the group, photographs, donated by a local resident via the NRS
No further accruals are expected.
Related Material
The extant records of Renfrew County Council are mostly held at Glasgow City Archives., although a copy of the Education Committee Minutes from 1945 are held by ERC archives.