Burgh of Partick Committee Papers
- Reference:GB 243 H-PAR1/21/41
- Dates of Creation:1905
- Language of Material:English
- Physical Description:6 bundles Manuscript
Scope and Content
First bundle includes:
- petition by the workers of the Electricity and Destructor Department to be paid weekly
- statements of capital expenditure and amount to be borrowed
- arrears of assessment to be written off
- Burgh Surveyor's request for pay increase
- statement of land valuations 1894-95 - 1899-1900
- coal accounts
- printed account of local rates raised in congested districts
- correspondence concerning an appeal against assessment
- account for granolithic footpaths
- public notice of assessment
- correspondence on formation of lane at 53-67 Byres Road
- note of loans maturing at Martinmas 1905
- remit on system of cleansing
- return on female sanitary inspectors
- statistics on Yorkhill abattoir and correspondence on meat inspection
- representation for the Town Council of the Burgh of Partick in support of an application to have the Burgh created a separate constituency
Second bundle includes:
- programme for musical performances in the park
- returns under the Motor Car Act of the number of cars registered
- letter from the Sanitary Association encouraging the employment of women
- arrangement for the burial of paupers
- notices issued under the Factory & Workshop Act
- pamphlet on the prevention of smallpox
- government report on housing conditions on Lewis with photographs
- letter from the Glasgow Eye Infirmary enclosing their annual report and asking for support after treating a Partick resident
- Local Government Board circular on cerebro-spinal fever and anthrax
- report by Medical Officer of Health on scarlet fever
Third bundle includes:
- investigation of exits from public buildings with correspondence from building owners and a list of churches, schools and public halls
Fourth bundle includes:
- maintenance of fire stations
- notices of constables' resignation and dismissal
- Dowanhill Park bye-laws
- precognition by Chief Constable on congestion of the North British Railway
- papers relating to audit of the burgh accounts
- plan of Jordanhill station
- papers relating to proposed legislation on the supervision of metal refiners
Fifth bundle includes:
- correspondence on music in the park with programmes and alterations to the greenhouses
Sixth bundle includes:
- papers relating to bye-laws on public billiard and bagatelle rooms 1904-05
- petition by Whiteinch Parish Church to form street between Smith and Squire Street and report by Burgh Surveyor
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