Burgh of Partick Committee Papers
- Reference:GB 243 H-PAR1/21/50
- Dates of Creation:1910
- Language of Material:English
- Physical Description:8 bundles Manuscript
Scope and Content
First bundle includes:
- correspondence and quotations for motor fire engine and ambulance
- fees for attending fires outwith Partick
- registration of clubs
- notice of resignation, death and dismissal of police officers
- complaints about stair lighting
- children sent to Industrial Schools
- motor fire pump
- suggestion from Greenock that a combined force be created to enable search for stolen goods
- Police Weekly Rest Day Bill
- annual report of Partick crimes and offences
- government grant for police pay and clothing
- Home Office statement on the expulsion of aliens under the Aliens Act 1905
- draft regulations for the motor landaulette [motor car]
- report on the annual conference of Cleansing Superintendents
Second bundle includes:
- petition from the new Model Yacht Club
- papers on music in the park
- cinematograph licences
Third bundle includes:
- arrangement of fire brigades of the County Council
- proof of Glasgow Herald article on comparative municipal assessment with request for verification of figures
- salaries and wages of employees
- correspondence on loans and bonds
- papers relating to registration of Partick Social Club
- letter suggesting Byres Road's name be changed to be more genteel
- letter from the Scottish Federation of Women's Suffrage Societies asking for support for the Parliamentary Franchise (Women) Bill
- tabular statement under the Infectious Disease (Notification) Act
- papers relating to supplies and staff at Knightswood Hospital
- finances of bowling greens
Fourth bundle includes:
- papers relating to the regulation of hours of ice cream shops with a petition in favour from the members of the Wesleyan Church
- funding of lady health visitors
- reports of accidents and workers' compensation claims
- list of officials' salaries
- correspondence on possible Gas Consolidation Bill
- order of service for memorial to King Edward
- return by the Medical Officer and Sanitary Inspector
Fifth bundle includes:
- responses from other burghs to queries about salaries of official
- reponses from other burghs on the cost of running public baths with report by the Burgh Engineer for proposed baths on Mauldslie Street
- notices of constables' resignation
- request for contribution from the Paisley Industrial School
- plan of Newton Street
- music in the parks programme
- tabular statement of Infectious Disease (Notification) Act
- papers relating to the nuisance of newsboys selling newspapers
- papers relating to juvenile offenders
Sixth bundle includes:
- papers relating to bridge maintenance including Partick Central Station
- burgh's refusal to prosecute spitting on tramcars
- request from the Highway Protection League for a reduction in car speeds
Seventh bundle includes
- wages for different departments
- papers relating to land values duties
- Govan Parish School Board report on the results of school work and inspections
- widening of Crow Road 1909-10
- petition of street sweepers for increase in pay
- reports of meat inspection
- streetlighting complaints
- street construction, maintenance and naming
- insanitary condition of buildings
- report by public analyst on food samples
- wash house at 1-5 Queen Street with plan of proposed replacement by Honeyman Keppie and McIntosh
- tabular statement of sickness and mortality [births and deaths and causes of death]
- correspondence on a compulsory tram stop on Crow Road
- correspondence on the services of the fire brigade to the County of Renfrew
- renewal of license for the West of Scotland Cricket Club
- invitation from the Town Clerk of Glasgow to send a representative to a Special Committee on the incorporation of Partick into Glasgow
Eighth bundle includes:
- correspondence relating to music in the parks and regatta of the model yacht clubs
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