Talks and Articles
- Reference:GB 237 Coll-1966/2/1/3/6
- Physical Description:1 folder
Scope and Content
Handwritten and typed notes for lectures and talks by John Spencer on the Bristol Social Project. Includes: Social Problems on New Housing Estates [talk to the Scottish Council of Social Service Conference, 1955]; The Problem of Neighbourhood in A Bristol Housing Estate [talk to the Society of Housing Managers' Regional Conference, 1958]; Social Workers and the Family on a Bristol Housing Estate [talk to the Hospital Almoners' AGM]; Some Problems and Methods of an Action-Research Project in Bristol [paper read to the Brisith Sociological Association, 1956]; The Family and the Child in two Bristol Housing Estates[paper read at the UNESCO seminar on Family Relations and the Development of the Child]; The Sociological Approach to Group Work [Lecture delivered to a seminar on Principles and Practice of Group Work, Leicester, 1956]; Social and Psychological Aspects of Re-housing [paper read to the British Association, 1955]; Delinquents and their Neighbours [talk to the Institute of Study and Treatment of Delinquency, 1955]; Bristol Social Project [article for the Lockleaze Broadsheet, 1954]; Values and Choices in the Urban Neighbourhood; Family Life in the New Suburbia [published article]; The Planning of a Social Project in Bristol [published articles]; Class Situation and Urban Environment; Social Difficulties in New Communities by Joe Scarratt.