Health and Welfare
- Reference:GB 237 Coll-1966/6/5/1
- Physical Description:2 boxes
Scope and Content
Reference material relating to health services, addiction, mental health services, and services for those with disabilities.
Published material: Campaign for the Mentally Handicapped (1972); Working together for the Disabled in Scotland: The role of voluntary organisations (c.1971); Wood, ERic, Browne, Megan, Blackie, J.c., Haldane, J.D., Psychotherapy Casework Counselling Contact (April 1966); Scottish Association for Mental Health annual report (1966); Baron, D. N., A Short Textbook of Chemical Pathology (1969); Journal of Pyschiatric Research, Vol. 6, No. 1 (1968); Assocaition for Prevention of Addiction newsletter (1968); The British Society for International Health Education annual meeting report Health and Human Behaviour (1968); Council for Training in Social Work, Information Bulletin Teaching on Physical Disease and Handicap (1968); Socialism Theory and Practice, Vol. 12 (1975); Welfare, The Journal of the Institute of Social Welfare, Vol. 6, Nos 8 & 9 (1968); Ministry of Labour and National Service leaflet At Your Service; Quarterly Bulleting of the Research and Intelligence Unit of the Greater London Council, No.7 (1969); Institute for Research into Mental Retardation, third annual report (1969); The General and Nursing Council for England and Wales, annual report 1968-1969 and reports submitted to the Minister of Health (1966, 1967; The Scottish Committee for the Welfare of the Disabled, Bulletin (1970, 1971); Help for Handicapped People (1972); The Special Needs of Blind People (1970); Employment Services for the Blind; Chronically Sick and Disabled Act 1970.
Journal articles and reprints: Putting research to good use, Nursing Mirror (1969); Social class differences in the relationship between birth order and personality development Social Psychiatry, Vol. 6, No. 4 (1971); Academic record and subsequent career Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine (1967); Regional distribution of general practitioners and consultants in the National Health Service British Medical Journal (1967); Patients who reside in common lodging-houses British Medical Journal (1966); Are Observation Wards Obsolete? The British Journal of Psychiatry (1968) [signed by author Moya Woodside]; Pilkington, T.L., Priorities in the care of the mentally handicapped, paper delivered at a joint meeting of the Medico-Chirurgical Society of Edinburgh and the Royal Medico-Chirurgical Society of Glasgow (1969) [signed by author]; Social work in general practice The Lancet (1968); Child family and psychiatry in integrated child health service Health Bulletin, Vol. 31, No.2; Computers in mental health Scottish Association of Mental Health news bulletin (1965); Stafford, David, Dr., Facing the challenge of mental disorder, article distributed by the National Association for Mental Health during mental health week 1966; Psychiatry and crime, Scottish Association of Mental Health news bulletin (1965); The safety net function in public assistance: A cross national exploration The Social Service Review (1973).
Photocopies and typescripts: The Livingston medical records system patient amendment data - blank forms; The Scottish Council of Social Service, NHS Re-organisation (1973); Cooper, Michael, An Analysis of the problems of rationing and financing health care services, paper to be read at the Faculty of Social Sciences seminar Management and the Social Sciences (1972); The Re-organisation of the Scottish health service, a summary and notes on the Green Paper by Iain Jordan (1968); The Scottish Council of Social Service, information on a seminar on cybercom systems for the handicapped (1969); Report of the working weekend on regionalisation (1974); Problems of mild mental retardation, Social Work Today (1972); Francklin, Sandra and Shearer, Ann, Future Services for the Mentally Handicapped; Council for Trainng in Social Work, report of seminar Social Work with Handicapped People (1969); Last, J.M., Department of Social Medicine, Edinburgh, International Mobility in the Medical Profession, presented at the Interantional Seminar on Demography (1967); Mair, Robert, University of Glasgow, The National Health Service Green Papers: Their Relevance to Social Work Reform (1968); Health Service Reorganisation - The Future Position of Social Workers, a discussion paper prepared by a S.E. Scotland Branch Working Party; Medical Research Council, Unit for Research on the Epidemiology of Psychiatric Illness, report for the period may 1964-March 1967; Craigentinny/Lochend Welfare Services Report (1973); Lothian Health Board, Programme Planning Committee for the Mentally Handicapped, first report (1977); Report on Studies in Disability in Exeter and Edinburgh; Department of Sociology, University of Aberdeen, Objectives and Needs in Social and Medical Care System; Solomon, D.M., The New Left and The Welfare System; Clark, George, Whatever Happened to the Welfare State? (1974); Batley Community Development Project, Welfare Rights Campaing, Interim Report (1974).