Children and Families
- Reference:GB 237 Coll-1966/6/4/3
- Physical Description:1 box
Scope and Content
Reference material relating to child welfare and family life.
Publications: The Way It Spozed to Be, magazine article on a Junior High School Faculty; promotional leaflet for Ribble, M., The Rights of Infants (2nd edition); Children (Sept/Oct 1959); The Royal Bank of Canada Monthly letter: The Family in our Changing Society (1963); Family Allowances Act (1957); Service Association of America: What makes a strong family life?; Bigamy: Crime of the Love Swindlers, Star Weekly Magazine (1961); Old Maids: Vanishing Breed? Chatelaine (1963).
Journal articles and reprints: The evolution and application in Canada of rights relating to motherhood and childhood, Labour Gazette (1958); The study and treatment of families that produce multiple acting out boys (1963).
Photocopies and typescripts: Chicago Board of Education, Early development of undereducated children and remedial experience; Hoshino, G., AFDC as Child Welfare (1972); Thistledown Hospital's Child Care Worker Training Course information; County of Peel, Ontario, Annual Report The Juvenile and Family Court (1964); Ontario Welfare Council: Brief to the interdepartmental committee on emotionally disturbed children; Laidlaw Foundation workshop on child care worker training; Ontario Committee on Children conference Children and Creativity (1963); Canadian Conference on children, Child welfare services: Winding paths to maturity (1965); Les Politiques Familiales En Italie, Belgique Et En France et Leur Importance, Institute Vanier de la Famille.