- Catalogues150
- per page
- 101File titled 'Donations 1997 Jan-April' containing correspondence from donors and letters regarding receipts for donations made to the NCC1997Ref:GB 254 RU 869/2/2/4Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesMore Details
- 102File titled 'Donations 2001 Sept-Dec' containing correspondence from donors and letters regarding receipts for donations made to the NCC2001Ref:GB 254 RU 869/2/2/24Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesMore Details
- 103Box containing Ninewells Cancer Research Appeal slides1992Ref:GB 254 RU 869/3/3/2Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesExtent:59 itemsMore Details
- 104File titled 'Donations Jan-March' containing correspondence from donors and letters regarding receipts for donations made to the NCC2000Ref:GB 254 RU 869/2/2/16Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesMore Details
- 105Fundraising Material1992 - 2011Ref:GB 254 RU 869/3/3Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesMore Details
- 106File titled 'Opening Ceremony 7 June 1999' containing guest lists and correspondence about the opening of the Princess Alexandra centre.1998-1999Ref:GB 254 RU 869/4/1/4Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesMore Details
- 107File titled 'ICRF' containing correspondence about the Imperial Cancer Research Fund and material relating to events such as race for life and concerts.1998-1999Ref:GB 254 RU 869/3/1/9Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesMore Details
- 108File titled 'Donations-2002 May-' containing correspondence from donors and letters regarding receipts for donations made to the NCC2002Ref:GB 254 RU 869/2/2/27Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesMore Details
- 109Jacqui Wood Cancer Centre2011Ref:GB 254 RU 869/3/3/16Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesExtent:1 itemMore Details
- 110File titled 'Santa's Grotto' containing correspondence about Santa's Grotto. This was held to raise money for the NCC and was supported by many organisations including Dundee City Council, Party Time and Tayside Police.1998-2000Ref:GB 254 RU 869/3/1/10Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesMore Details
- 111File titled 'Bridge 30/3/00' containing correspondence about the Bridge Supper Evening. The Bridge Supper Evening was an event held to raise money for the NCC.2000Ref:GB 254 RU 869/3/1/13Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesMore Details
- 112File titled 'Donations 2002 July-Sept' containing correspondence from donors and letters regarding receipts for donations made to the NCC2002Ref:GB 254 RU 869/2/2/28Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesMore Details
- 113In Stitches' book by Augusta Hamlin.1992Ref:GB 254 RU 869/3/3/1Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesMore Details
- 114File titled 'Dept of Surgery + Molecular Oncology' containing correspondence and price lists for equipment for the department of Surgery and Molecular Oncology. Also includes menus from the Food and Flower Show as well as general brochures about the "h...1997-2003Ref:GB 254 RU 869/2/1/4Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesMore Details
- 115File titled 'Dennis' Diary' containing Dennis' Diary. Dennis Diary was a monthly newsletter providing information about the Ninewells Cancer Appeal.n.dRef:GB 254 RU 869/5/1Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesMore Details
- 116File containing correspondence with Elaine C Smith asking for help with fundraising events for the NCC. It appears she was never able to participate in any such events.1998-2000Ref:GB 254 RU 869/4/2/4Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesMore Details
- 117File titled 'Donations 1998 April-July' containing correspondence from donors and letters regarding receipts for donations made to the NCC.1998Ref:GB 254 RU 869/2/2/8Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesMore Details
- 118File titled 'Donations 1997 May-Aug' containing correspondence from donors and letters regarding receipts for donations made to the NCC1997Ref:GB 254 RU 869/2/2/5Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesMore Details
- 119File containing correspondence, information, lists of items, and architectural drawings needed for the Biomedical Research Centre.1991-1992Ref:GB 254 RU 869/4/1/1Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesMore Details
- 120Fundraising Events1992-2008Ref:GB 254 RU 869/3/1Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesExtent:18 itemsMore Details