- Catalogues2441
- per page
- 381Article titled 'Ultrasonic sounds recorded in the presence of a blue whale "Balaenoptera musculus"' by Peter Beamish and Edward Mitchell1971Ref:GB 254 MS 254/5/5/1/3Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesExtent:1 documentMore Details
- 382Article; 'The Voyage of H.M.S. North Star, 1849-50' by Richard J. Cyriax19th-20th centuryRef:GB 254 MS 254/5/5/4/6Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesExtent:1 documentMore Details
- 383Article; 'Sperm Whale Regional Closed Season: Proposed Protection During Mating and Calving' by Edward Mitchell and V. Michael Kozicki.1978Ref:GB 254 MS 254/5/5/1/13Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesExtent:1 documentMore Details
- 384Article taken from the Canadian Geographic Journal titled 'The Franklin Search' by L.T. Burwash.1930Ref:GB 254 MS 254/5/5/6/13Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesExtent:1 documentMore Details
- 385Christmas edition of 'Scottish Field'December 1969Ref:GB 254 MS 254/5/4/5Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesExtent:1 documentMore Details
- 386Article from the Royal Scottish Geographical Society Magazine Jubilee Issue; 'The Story of Arctic Voyages and Exploration' by John Mathieson.September 1934Ref:GB 254 MS 254/5/5/6/15Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesExtent:1 documentMore Details
- 387Article from the Rep. Int. Whal. Commn; 'Reproductive Condition of male Sperm Whales, "Physeter macrocephalus", taken off Nova Scotia' by Edward Mitchell and V. Michael Kozicki.19th-20th centuryRef:GB 254 MS 254/5/5/1/45Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesExtent:1 documentMore Details
- 388Article; 'Estimated initial population size of the Bering Sea stock of Bowhead whale, Balaena mysticetus: an iterative method' Jeffrey M. Breiwick, Edward D. Mitchell and Douglas G. ChapmanMarch 1980Ref:GB 254 MS 254/5/5/1/24Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesExtent:1 documentMore Details
- 389Pages from the Resources for Learning in Scotland website showing whaling log book and an account of a voyage to Greenland aboard the whaler S.S. Camperdown.31st March 2003Ref:GB 254 MS 254/5/8/20Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesExtent:1 documentMore Details
- 390Article from The Newfoundland Quarterly titled 'The role of Canadian and Newfoundland ships in the development of the Soviet Arctic' by William Barr.July1977Ref:GB 254 MS 254/5/5/6/21Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesExtent:1 documentMore Details
- 391Article from The Scottish Geographical Magazine; 'The Story of Antarctic Exploration, 1716-1931: With a Map Showing the Tracks and Discoveries of Recent Explorers' by John Mathieson. 12715th November 1932Ref:GB 254 MS 254/5/5/6/14Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesExtent:1 documentMore Details
- 392Page showing drawings of two ships.19th-20th centuryRef:GB 254 MS 254/8/7/48Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesExtent:1 itemMore Details
- 393Der Weisswal' by Casar Claude1980Ref:GB 254 MS 254/5/2/2/3Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesExtent:1 documentMore Details
- 394Copy of an article titled 'Cruise of the "Balaena" and the "Active" in the Antarctic Seas, 1892-93. II. The "Active"' by Charles W. Donald, M.B.June 1896Ref:GB 254 MS 254/5/5/6/6Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesExtent:1 documentMore Details
- 395Article printed from www.cronab.demon.co.uk; 'Sir John Franklin. 1997 is the 150th Anniversary of his death'.5th March 2003Ref:GB 254 MS 254/5/6/8Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesExtent:1 documentMore Details
- 396Miscellaneous Publications1791-2003Ref:GB 254 MS 254/5/8Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesExtent:0.12 linear metresMore Details
- 397The Whale and the Artist'. 3 copies.1990Ref:GB 254 MS 254/5/2/1/35Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesExtent:1 documentMore Details
- 398Article from the Scottish Geographical Magazine; 'Journey across the ice of Greenland from East to West' by Dr. Fridtjof Nansen. Includes map of Greenland1889Ref:GB 254 MS 254/5/5/6/3Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesExtent:1 documentMore Details
- 399Article; 'Lieutenant Edward Griffiths and the Franklin Expedition' by A.G.E. Jones and Richard J. CyriaxAugust 1953Ref:GB 254 MS 254/5/5/4/1Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesExtent:1 documentMore Details
- 400Photocopy of 'A list of ships on the Greenland and Davis's Straits Whale Fishery'.1791Ref:GB 254 MS 254/5/8/1Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesMore Details