- Catalogues1162
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- 261M. Gérard to [Col.] Sir Frederic [Lewis] Nathan. Concerns the establishment of the international office of chemistry in Paris and includes extracts from Chemiker Zeitung, by Hermann Stadtringer.6 December 1926Ref:GB 254 MS 50/16/17Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesMore Details
- 262Two articles on Sir James Colquhoun Irvine, Principal of the University of St. Andrews, taken from the Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 1928 and an unspecified newspaper.1928Ref:GB 254 MS 50/18/1Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesMore Details
- 263Memorandum on Leo Spencer, his work and publications with two reprints: 'The diffusion of oxygen through silver', by Leo Spencer, from 'Transactions of the Chemical Society', 1923, vol. 123 and 'The efficacy of a centrifuge for removing surface liquids...n.d.Ref:GB 254 MS 50/18/46Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesMore Details
- 264The properties of sewage colloids', by E.C.C. Baly. Reprinted from the Transactions of the Faraday Society, no. 120, vol. XXVII, part 5.May 1931Ref:GB 254 MS 50/8/37Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesExtent:1 itemMore Details
- 265Testimonial on behalf of Dr Albert Parker, assistant director of research of the Water Pollution Research Board, in connection with a candidature for the post of director of water examination to the Metropolitan Water Board. With a copy of the applicat...10 January 1934Ref:GB 254 MS 50/18/25Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesMore Details
- 266What can a decayed lawyer, a perspiring politician and, if all rumours are to be believed, a Member of Parliament about to face his constituents, say about the chemical industry?', by Sir John Simon. Printed extract from unspecified publication.n.d.Ref:GB 254 MS 50/7/30Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesExtent:1 itemMore Details
- 267The bacteriological examination of water supplies. A report on public health and medical subjects', no. 711934Ref:GB 254 MS 50/8/41Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesExtent:1 itemMore Details
- 268Testimonial on behalf of Sir William Henry Bragg F.R.S., [copy], with a cutting from an unspecified publication giving a brief account of his work.n.d.Ref:GB 254 MS 50/17/17Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesMore Details
- 269[Francis Arthur] Freeth, I.C.I. Ltd, Welwyn Garden City, to Sir Robert Robertson. Encloses a letter from Cecil [John Tyrrell] Cronshaw, Nobel House, relating to the discoverers of the selective weedkiller (Sexton and Templeman).15 June 1945Ref:GB 254 MS 50/18/43Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesMore Details
- 270Sir Robert Robertson to [Alexander] Maxwell, Home Office. Refers to the abilities of Major Gaitskell and Dr Watts.30 April 1924Ref:GB 254 MS 50/18/63/5Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesMore Details
- 271Sir Robert Robertson to G. Vargas Eyre. Thanks him for reprint from the Spectator which discusses how Britain's post-war supremacy should be maintained and remarks that the British are not artistic.19 June 1943Ref:GB 254 MS 50/16/26Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesMore Details
- 272Memoranda with copy correspondence from files of History of International Conference at Geneva on Fats and Oils; memoranda with copy correspondence from files of Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, 1926-1935. Relates to the international convention ...1926-1935Ref:GB 254 MS 50/16/16Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesMore Details
- 273J.R. Brackenberry, Civil Service Commission, to Sir [Robert] Robertson requesting a reference for Dr Watts with a reply from [Sir Robert].17 July 1924Ref:GB 254 MS 50/18/63/7Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesMore Details
- 274Infra-red and molecular structures', by J.J. Fox. A typescript copy of a lecture given at Birmingham.c 1936Ref:GB 254 MS 50/13/79Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesExtent:1 itemMore Details
- 275[Sir Robert Robertson] to [Godfrey] Rotter.20 June 1927Ref:GB 254 MS 50/18/34/4Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesMore Details
- 276[Robert Selby] Hole to [Sir Robert Robertson]. Encloses a memorandum setting out arguments against a policy of rigid centralisation in the reorganisation of scientific research in India.23 November 1920Ref:GB 254 MS 50/16/9Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesMore Details
- 277X-ray study of crystal dynamics: an historical and critical study of experiment and theory', by Kathleen Lonsdale. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Physical Society, vol. 54.1942Ref:GB 254 MS 50/12/21Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesExtent:1 itemMore Details
- 278Evolution in chemistry', by John Read. Two lectures delivered at St. Andrews University.n.d.Ref:GB 254 MS 50/7/32Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesExtent:1 itemMore Details
- 279Arthur Marshall, chemical inspector, Indian Ordnance Department to [Sir Robert] Robertson. Asks if Sir Robert could find a replacement for him at the Ordnance Department. With memorandum by Marshall on the post.4 February 1927Ref:GB 254 MS 50/18/34/1Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesMore Details
- 280Specific heat of -brass', by R. Eisenschitz. Reprinted from Nature, vol. 147.21 June 1941Ref:GB 254 MS 50/13/20Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesExtent:1 itemMore Details