- Catalogues1162
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- 301History in the archives of the Royal Society', by William Bragg. Pilgrim Trust Lecture delivered before the National Academy of Sciences, 24 April 1939. Reprinted from Science, 19 May 1939, vol. 89, no. 2316.1939Ref:GB 254 MS 50/13/40Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesExtent:1 itemMore Details
- 302[Sir Robert Robertson] to [Arthur] Marshall. On advice of [Godfrey] Rotter, suggests Mr H.C. Reynard or Mr E.T. Osborne. With typed memorandum on Reynard and pencilled notes on Osborne.7 May 1922Ref:GB 254 MS 50/18/34/2Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesMore Details
- 303Copy of application for the chair in chemistry at the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth by Dr James Irvine Orme Masson of University College, London.August 1919Ref:GB 254 MS 50/18/15/1Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesMore Details
- 304The rotation-vibration spectra of the lighter hydrocarbons', W.H.J. Childs. Reprinted from the Reports on Progress in Physics, III, the Physical Society.c 1937Ref:GB 254 MS 50/11/44Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesExtent:1 itemMore Details
- 305[Sir Robert Robertson] to Lord Rayleigh. Concerns his appreciation of the latter's presidential address.24 February 1936Ref:GB 254 MS 50/16/3Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesMore Details
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- 307Lord Rayleigh, Chelmsford, to [Sir Joseph Ernest] Petavel. Asks for information regarding the dates a) when Robert Lennox lost his eye and b) of the loss of Curie's radium.25 July 1935Ref:GB 254 MS 50/16/2Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesMore Details
- 308Typescript extract of 'A study of the balance', by Professor Conrady. Taken from the Proceedings of the Royal Society, vol. 101.1922Ref:GB 254 MS 50/13/76Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesExtent:1 itemMore Details
- 309[Charles Percy] Snow, Cambridge, to Sir Robert [Robertson]. Asks Sir Robert if he will testify on his behalf in connection with a Stokes studentship. With two testimonials (1930) by Sir Robert on behalf of Snow in that connection and an application for...6 October 1929Ref:GB 254 MS 50/18/44Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesMore Details
- 310Correspondence and papers relating to Professor James Irvine Orme Masson.1919-1937Ref:GB 254 MS 50/18/15Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesMore Details
- 311Palm oil carotenoids; 2. The isolation of lipoid pigments from a West African plantation oil and some remarks on the isomerization of carotenoids', by R.F. Hunter, A.D. Scott and J.R. Edisbury. Reprinted from The Biological Journal, vol. 36, nos. 7, 8...1942Ref:GB 254 MS 50/12/37Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesExtent:1 itemMore Details
- 312Centenary of the Government Laboratory', by A.G. Francis. Reprinted from Nature, vol. 150.14 November 1942Ref:GB 254 MS 50/12/8Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesExtent:1 itemMore Details
- 313The direct oxidation of zinc', by W.H.J. Vernon, E.I. Akeroyd and E.G. Stroud. Reprinted from the Journal of the Institute of Metals, vol. LXV, no. 21939Ref:GB 254 MS 50/9/13Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesExtent:1 itemMore Details
- 314Chemistry of the Australian Bush', by John Read. Reprinted from Endeavour, vol. III, no. 10.April 1944Ref:GB 254 MS 50/13/48Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesExtent:1 itemMore Details
- 315[Ernst] Berl, Carnegie Institute of Technology, to Sir Robert Robertson. Says he has had further word from the Ministry of Supply about propositions concerning gas masks and air raid shelters; with copy letter to Dr Otto Oberlander enclosed.26 March 1940Ref:GB 254 MS 50/16/20Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesMore Details
- 316X-ray study of the elastic constants of metals', by K. Lonsdale and H. Smith. Reprinted from Nature, vol. 149.3 January 1942Ref:GB 254 MS 50/13/23Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesExtent:1 itemMore Details
- 317The separation of isotopes and thermal diffusion', by James Kendall. A lecture delivered to the Royal Institution of Great Britain.8 May 1942Ref:GB 254 MS 50/13/43Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesExtent:1 itemMore Details
- 318Nature's paintbox: Leaf and colours', by H.E. Armstrong. Newspaper cutting from The Times.27 October 1932Ref:GB 254 MS 50/11/39Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesExtent:1 itemMore Details
- 319What shall the government do with its employees' inventions?'. Reprinted from Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering, vol. 23, no. 17October 1920Ref:GB 254 MS 50/8/4Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesExtent:1 itemMore Details
- 320Correspondence relating to Dr Godfrey Rotter.1942Ref:GB 254 MS 50/18/39Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesMore Details