- Catalogues1023
- per page
- 401Papers of William McGeorge, b.1804, school teacherc.1830-2000Ref:GB 248 UGC 110Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:McGeorge William (b1804 : school teacher).Extent:0.02 metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 402Papers of Professor Charles Geddes Coull Chesters, 1904-1993, science graduate, University of Glasgow, Scotland1926Ref:GB 248 UGC 167Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Chesters Charles Geddes Coull (1904-1993: science graduate University of Glasgow Scotland).Extent:0.02 metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 403Department of Applied Physics1925-1961Ref:GB 248 GUA PALocation:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesExtent:0.9 metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 404Papers of James Stirling, b1906, arts graduate, University of Glasgow, Scotland1924-1925Ref:GB 248 UGC 009Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Stirling James (b1906 : arts graduate : University of Glasgow Scotland).Extent:0.02 metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 405Papers of Elsie Forrest, b1904, arts graduate, University of Glasgow, Scotland1921-1927Ref:GB 248 DC 359Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Forrest Elsie (1904-: arts graduate : University of Glasgow Scotland).Extent:0.13 metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 406Papers of Alexander Shanks, b1910, arts graduate, University of Glasgow, Scotland1930-1988Ref:GB 248 DC 217Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Shanks Alexander (b1910: arts graduate: University of Glasgow Scotland).Extent:0.18 metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 407Records of Glasgow & Strathclyde Universities' Officers' Training Corps, Armed Forces training organisation, University of Glasgow and University of Strathclyde, Scotland1908-1985Ref:GB 248 DC 099Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Glasgow & Strathclyde Universities' Officers' Training Corps.Extent:0.8 metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 408Papers of James Stewart, fl 1880s, arts and medical Student, University of Glasgow, Scotland1873-1884Ref:GB 248 DC 481Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Stewart James (fl 1880s: arts and medical student University of Glasgow).Extent:[not recorded]Language:EnglishMore Details
- 409Papers of Arthur Edward Meikle, 1910-1990s, teacher and arts graduate of the University of Glasgow, Scotland1929-1933, 1987Ref:GB 248 DC 202Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Meikle Arthur Edward (1910-1990s: teacher arts graduate of the University of Glasgow).Extent:0.6 metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 410Papers of Aikitsu Tanakadate, 1856-1952, physicist and physics graduate, University of Glasgow1888-2007Ref:GB 248 UGC 172Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Tanakadate Dr Aikitsu (1856-1952 : physicist and physics graduate University of Glasgow Glasgow.Extent:0.05 metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 411Papers of Archibald Lamont, 1907-1985, geology graduate and Scottish Nationalist, University of Glasgow, Scotland1930-1976Ref:GB 248 UGC 067Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Lamont Archibald (1907-1985 : geology graduate and Scottish Nationalist : University of Glasgow Scotland).Extent:0.5 metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 412Papers of the Taylor family, Glasgow, graduates of the University of Glasgow1925 - 1960Ref:GB 248 UGC 040Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:family The Taylor (graduates of the University of Glasgow : 1925-1960: Glasgow Scotland).Extent:0.75 metresMore Details
- 413Records of Glasgow University Model United Nations Debating Society, student society, University of Glasgow, Scotland2009-2011Ref:GB 248 UGC 200Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Glasgow University Model United Nations Debating Society (student society : 2009-2011:Glasgow Scotland).Extent:0.02 metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 414Papers of Glasgow International Exhibitions, 1901, 1911 and 19381901-1938Ref:GB 248 DC 061Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Glasgow International Exhibition 1901.Extent:0.13 metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 415Papers of William Hugh Clifford Frend, b.1916, Professor of Ecclesiastical History, University of Glasgow, Scotland, 1966-197920th centuryRef:GB 248 DC 139Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Frend William Hugh Clifford (b1916: Professor of Ecclesiastical History University of Glasgow Scotland).Extent:1.95 metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 416Papers of Dr George MacLean CBE, b 1888, medical doctor, medical graduate of the University of Glasgow, Scotland1864-c1930Ref:GB 248 DC 073Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:MacLean Dr George (b 1888: medical doctor medical graduate of the University of Glasgow).Extent:0.15 metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 417Papers of Charles Salter, 1918-2008, Lecturer in Humanities and English Literature, University of Glasgow, Scotland1940s-2000Ref:GB 248 ACCN 3268Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Salter Charles (1918-2008).Extent:1.80 linear metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 418Papers of Samuel Heron, 1930-1954, science graduate and research student, University of Glasgow, Scotland1948-1953Ref:GB 248 UGC 149Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Heron Samuel (1930-1954 : science graduate and research student : University of Glasgow Scotland).Extent:0.13 metres 1 archive boxLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 419Records of Queen Margaret Union, student union, University of Glasgow, Scotland1890-2007Ref:GB 248 DC 240Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Queen Margaret Union.Extent:3.85 metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 420Papers of Philip Ivor Dee, 1904-1983, Regius Professor of Natural Philosophy, University of Glasgow, Scotland, 1943-19721946-1972Ref:GB 248 DC 134Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Dee Philip Ivor (1904-1983: Regius Professor of Natural Philosophy University of Glasgow Scotland).Extent:0.65 metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details