- Catalogues1369
- per page
- 1Royal Marines Charge Book HMS JUNO1845 - 1849Ref:GB 3298 2011.046Location:Aberdeenshire Museums ServiceName of creator:Marines Royal.Extent:1 volumeLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 2Notice intimating meeting of the Royal Society to elect Council and Officers7 Nov 1889Ref:GB 248 UGC 037/1/11Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesExtent:1 sheet, printedMore Details
- 3Bundle of correspondence between Pontecorvo, Professor Anurag K Sharma, Obaid Siddiqi, Executive Secretary of the Royal Society and other concerning obtaining clearance to undertake botanical field work in India and modifications to Pontecorvo's field work programme for his trip to IndiaJan 1979-May 1979Ref:GB 248 UGC 198/5/3/1/12Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesExtent:16 letters (18 pages)More Details
- 4Material relating to Pontecorvo being awarded the Darwin Medal1978Ref:GB 248 UGC 198/1/1/5/3Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesExtent:2 itemsMore Details
- 5Letters to Pontecorvo from the Royal Society asking for his report about his trip to India9 Jan 1980Ref:GB 248 UGC 198/5/3/1/24Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesExtent:2 letters (2 pages)More Details
- 6Copies of correspondence between the Executive Secretary of the Royal Society and the Project Coordinator of the Indian National Science Academy concerning confirmation of Pontecorvo's exchange visit to IndiaNov 1978-Dec 1978Ref:GB 248 UGC 198/5/3/1/5Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesExtent:2 letters, 1 note (3 pages)More Details
- 7Material relating to Pontecorvo's Fellowship of the Royal Society1955Ref:GB 248 UGC 198/1/1/4/2Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesExtent:2 files, 1 itemMore Details
- 8Copy of a letter from Pontecorvo to the Deputy Executive Secretary of the Royal Society, containing his list of people who could help in the formulation of scientific, medical and technical links between the UK and Iran14 Oct 1974Ref:GB 248 UGC 198/5/2/4Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesExtent:1 letter (3 pages)More Details
- 9Ship No. 1413 Royal Sovereign. Launch: semi-profile, port stern1948Ref:GB 248 UGD 003/35/66/8Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesExtent:Glass negative 3"x4"More Details
- 10Ship No. 1413 Royal Sovereign. Interiors: dining room1948Ref:GB 248 UGD 003/35/66/19Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesExtent:Plastic negative 6½"x8½"More Details
- 11Ship No. 1413 Royal Sovereign. Trials: profile, starboard stern1948Ref:GB 248 UGD 003/35/66/13Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesExtent:Glass negative 6½"x8½"More Details
- 12Ship No. 1413 Royal Sovereign. Trials: semi-profile, port stern1948Ref:GB 248 UGD 003/35/66/14Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesExtent:Glass negative 6½"x8½"More Details
- 13Ship No. 1413 Royal Sovereign. Launch: semi-profile, port bow1948Ref:GB 248 UGD 003/35/66/5Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesExtent:Glass negative 4½"x6½"More Details
- 14Ship No. 1413 Royal Sovereign. Launch: semi-profile, port stern1948Ref:GB 248 UGD 003/35/66/7Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesExtent:Glass negative 4½"x6½"More Details
- 15Ship No: 1330 Royal Daffodil Trials: port view1939Ref:GB 248 UGD 003/35/21/1Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesExtent:Glass negative 6½"x8½"More Details
- 16Ship No. 1413 Royal Sovereign. Launch: semi-profile, starboard bow; ship entering water1948Ref:GB 248 UGD 003/35/66/4Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesExtent:Glass negative 4½"x6½"More Details
- 17Ship No. 1413 Royal Sovereign. Trials: profile, port stern1948Ref:GB 248 UGD 003/35/66/16Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesExtent:Glass negative 3"x4"More Details
- 18Ship No. 1413 Royal Sovereign. Interiors: lounge, showing cocktail bar counter1948Ref:GB 248 UGD 003/35/66/21Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesExtent:Plastic negative 6½"x8½"More Details
- 19Ship No. 1448 Royal Iris Launching party: sponsor and small group at bow1950Ref:GB 248 UGD 003/35/82/4Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesExtent:Glass negative 4½"x6½"More Details
- 20Ship No. 1413 Royal Sovereign. Launching party (additional): starboard profile1948Ref:GB 248 UGD 003/35/66/27Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesExtent:Glass negative 6½"x8½"More Details