- Catalogues34
- per page
- 21Sketchbooks containing drawings and notes by John Williamson for the illustration of works by Sir Walter Scott1888-1892Ref:GB 237 Coll-1301Location:Edinburgh University Library Heritage CollectionsName of creator:Williamson John fl 1888-1894 (novelist playwright and poet).Extent:2 VolumesLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 22Papers of James Clarkson Corson20th centuryRef:GB 237 Coll-1022/JCLocation:Edinburgh University Library Heritage CollectionsExtent:23 linear metresMore Details
- 23Management and documentation of Corson Collection1917-1988Ref:GB 237 Coll-1022/CCWS/CCMDLocation:Edinburgh University Library Heritage CollectionsExtent:3 linear metres 10 boxes, 32 binders, 16 notebooksMore Details
- 24Research on Sir Walter Scott20th centuryRef:GB 237 Coll-1022/JC/JCRSLocation:Edinburgh University Library Heritage CollectionsExtent:17 linear metres (approx)More Details
- 25Publications of James Clarkson Corson20th centuryRef:GB 237 Coll-1022/JC/JCRS/PUBSLocation:Edinburgh University Library Heritage CollectionsExtent:9 linear metres (approx) 17 boxes, 34 sheaves or bundles, 6 foldersMore Details
- 26Other research on Sir Walter Scott20th centuryRef:GB 237 Coll-1022/JC/JCRS/ORLocation:Edinburgh University Library Heritage CollectionsExtent:7 linear metresMore Details
- 27Manuscripts and copies of manuscripts relating to Sir Walter Scott18th-20th centuryRef:GB 237 Coll-1022/CCWS/MSSLocation:Edinburgh University Library Heritage CollectionsExtent:5 linear metres 22 boxes, 15 volumes, 11 bundles, 10 folders, and one rolled planMore Details
- 28Scott Dictionary20th centuryRef:GB 237 Coll-1022/JC/JCRS/SDLocation:Edinburgh University Library Heritage CollectionsExtent:4 linear metres 36 boxesMore Details
- 29Notes on index-cards made by Clive Wainwright while researching for works on Abbotsford1979-1989Ref:GB 237 Coll-1299Location:Edinburgh University Library Heritage CollectionsName of creator:Wainwright Clive 1942-1999 (assistant keeper Victoria and Albert Museum).Extent:200 (approx.) index-cardsLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 30Letters from Walter Scott to Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe1809-1812Ref:GB 237 Coll-1712Location:Edinburgh University Library Heritage CollectionsName of creator:Scott Sir Walter 1771-1832 (novelist and poet).Extent:1 folderLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 312 letters from H J C Grierson to Dear Sir1944Ref:GB 237 Coll-1556Location:Edinburgh University Library Heritage CollectionsName of creator:Grierson Herbert John Clifford 1866-1960 (literary critic and professor of English Literature).Extent:2 lettersLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 32Boswell family. Papers of Sir Alexander Boswell (1775-1822)1782-1818Ref:GB 237 Gen. 750D; La.IV.6; La.III.584/21; La.II.343; E90.97Location:Edinburgh University Library Heritage CollectionsExtent:9 letters, 3 poemsMore Details
- 33Papers of Burt Eddy Taylor, 1928-1969, American book collector1780-1855Ref:GB 559 MS 11Location:University of Stirling Archives & Special CollectionsName of creator:Taylor Burt Eddy (1928-1969: American book collector).Extent:1.0 metreLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 34Bound volume containing bookplate designs (ex David Laing)1665-c 1900Ref:GB 237 Coll-1961Location:Edinburgh University Library Heritage CollectionsName of creator:Laing David 1793-1878 (antiquarian bookseller and librarian of the Signet Library),Booth William H fl 1899 (of Ipswich | book and art collector)...Extent:1 volumeLanguage:Multiple languagesMore Details