- Catalogues114
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- 101Papers of Arthur Edward Meikle, 1910-1990s, teacher and arts graduate of the University of Glasgow, Scotland1929-1933, 1987Ref:GB 248 DC 202Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Meikle Arthur Edward (1910-1990s: teacher arts graduate of the University of Glasgow).Extent:0.6 metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 102Papers of Leonard Stephen Downes, c.1911-1989, arts graduate, University of Glasgow, Scotland1931-1932Ref:GB 248 DC 315Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Downes Leonard Stephen OBE (c1910-1989: lecturer and British Council representative Arts graduate of the University of Glasgow).Extent:8 volumesLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 103Papers of Ethel A M Browne, b 1899, arts graduate, University of Glasgow, Scotland1927-1930Ref:GB 248 DC 046Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Browne Ethel A M.Extent:0.3 linear metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 104Records of Glasgow University Dramatic Club, student society, University of Glasgow, Scotland1926-1958Ref:GB 248 DC 284Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Glasgow University Dramatic Club.Extent:0.01 metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 105Papers of Margaret M Allison, b 1901, medical graduate of the University of Glasgow,1918-1976Ref:GB 248 DC 045Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:MAllison Margaret.Extent:0.3 linear metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 106Records of Glasgow University Students Representative Council, University of Glasgow, Scotland1885-2006Ref:GB 248 DC 157Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Glasgow University Students' Representatives Council.Extent:4.85 metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 107Records of the United College of St Salvator and St Leonard in the University of St Andrews1530-1962Ref:GB 227 UYUCLocation:University of St Andrews Special CollectionsName of creator:United College of St Salvator and St Leonard in the University of St Andrews.Extent:34 metres The material can be used in accordance with its physical characteristics. The archive includes folded and flattened vellum and papers, some with seals attached, bound volumes, loose papers and photographsMore Details
- 108Papers of Mary Fisher MacLeod, graduate of the University of Glasgow, c1889-c1980s1906-1954Ref:GB 248 DC 230Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:MacLeod Mary Fisher (teacher : c1889-c1980s : Glasgow Scotland).Extent:0.07 metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 109Papers of Dr Honoria Somerville Keer, 1883-1969, medical graduate, University of Glasgow, Scotland1842-1968Ref:GB 248 DC 171Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Keer Honoria Somerville (1883-1969 : medical graduate : University of Glasgow Scotland).Extent:0.3 metres, 658 itemsLanguage:English and FrenchMore Details
- 110Papers of James Rankin McKail, 1892-1977, solicitor and law graduate of the University of Glasgow, Scotland1915-1955Ref:GB 248 DC 049Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:McKail James Rankin (1892-1977).Extent:0.15 linear metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 111Papers of the Extramural School of Medicine of the Royal Colleges [Surgeons’ Hall, Edinburgh]1855-1985Ref:GB 779 SOMLocation:Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh ArchiveName of creator:School of Medicine of the Royal Colleges.Extent:88 boxesLanguage:English unless otherwise specifiedMore Details
- 112Papers of Andrew James Victor Boney1977-1982Ref:GB 248 DC 289Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Boney Andrew James Victor (1960-: medical graduate : University of Glasgow Scotland).Extent:0.57 metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 113Records of Glasgow University Liberal Democrats, university society, University of Glasgow, Scotland1990-1999Ref:GB 248 DC 309Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Glasgow University Liberal Democrats.Extent:0.15 metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 114Records of Glasgow University Queen Margaret Settlement Association: Glasgow University Settlement, student voluntary association1897-2019Ref:GB 248 DC 022Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Glasgow University Queen Margaret Settlement Association: Glasgow University Settlement.Extent:2.50 linear metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details