- Catalogues592
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- 61Papers of John Nairn Marshall, fl 1882, medical student, University of Glasgow, Scotland1882Ref:GB 248 DC 275Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Marshall John Nairn (fl 1882 : medical student : University of Glasgow Scotland).Extent:0.04 metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 62Papers of John Baird Hunter, 1837-1915, medical graduate, University of Glasgow, Scotland1 May 1862Ref:GB 248 ACCN 3820Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Hunter John Baird (1837-1915).Extent:0.05 linear metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 63Papers of Christina McNaughton Graham, b 1928, law student, University of Glasgow, Scotland1952-1954Ref:GB 248 UGC 159Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Graham Christina McNaughton (b1928 : law student : University of GlasgowScotland).Extent:0.3 metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 64Papers of Dr Allan Campbell, 1922-2011, medical graduate, University of Glasgow, Scotland1939-1991Ref:GB 248 UGC 147Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Campbell Dr Allan John Mackenzie (1922-2011 : medical graduate : University of Glasgow Scotland).Extent:0.01 metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 65Papers of Robert Howat, medical graduate, University of Glasgow, Scotland20 Apr 1920Ref:GB 248 ACCN 3626Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Howat Robert.Extent:0.03 linear metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 66Papers of Herbert Watt Torrance, 1892-1977, medical graduate and medical missionary, University of Glasgowc 1910-1975Ref:GB 248 UGC 164Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Torrance Herbert Watt (1892-1977 : medical graduate and medical missionary: University of Glasgow Scotland).Extent:0.09 metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 67Records of Beta Club (1947-1952), Medical Year Club, University of Glasgow, Scotland.1952-2003Ref:GB 248 ACCN 3395Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesExtent:0.46 linear metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 68Papers of William Gordon Craig, civil engineering graduate, University of Glasgow, Scotland1948-1952Ref:GB 248 UGC 153Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Craig William Gordon.Extent:0.39 linear metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 69Three 18th century letters by an Edinburgh student1797-1799Ref:GB 237 Coll-1476Location:Edinburgh University Library Heritage CollectionsName of creator:Adams William fl 1797-1799 (medical student at Edinburgh University).Extent:3 lettersLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 70General correspondence, 1932-33Jan 1932-Nov 1933Ref:GB 779 SOM/2/3/5/20Location:Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh ArchiveExtent:1 folderMore Details
- 71Papers of Cecilia Isabella Lindsay (nee Mactaggart), 1908-c1988, science and medical graduate, University of Glasgow, Scotland; medical practitioner, Glasgow, Scotland1927-1930Ref:GB 248 UGC 004Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Lindsay (nee Mactaggart Cecilia Isabella (1908-c1988 : medical practitioner : Glasgow Scotland)).Extent:0.15 linear metres (1 archive box)Language:EnglishMore Details
- 72Papers of Maria Alexandra Ratzer, 1914-2007, medical graduate, University of Glasgow, Scotlandc1950Ref:GB 248 UGC 035Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Ratzer Maria Alexandra (1914-2007 : medical graduate : University of Glasgow Scotland).Extent:0.03 metres, 2 volumesLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 73School of Business and Administration student statistics1960 - 1969Ref:GB 249 OF/103/1Location:University of Strathclyde Archives and Special CollectionsName of creator:University of Strathclyde | School of Business and Administration.Extent:1 folderLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 74James Leitch papers1918 - 1944Ref:GB 249 OM/190Location:University of Strathclyde Archives and Special CollectionsName of creator:Leitch James Muil 1901-1964 chemist.Extent:10 volumesLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 75John Hoyle papers1939 - 1987Ref:GB 249 OM/237Location:University of Strathclyde Archives and Special CollectionsName of creator:Hoyle John Frederick b 1922 student at Royal Technical College Glasgow.Extent:0.18 metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 76Jordanhill College scarf1950sRef:GB 249 JCE/22/6/8Location:University of Strathclyde Archives and Special CollectionsName of creator:Vanhegan Jean SG fl 1950-1959 student at Jordanhill College of Education Glasgow.Extent:1 woollen scarfMore Details
- 77James Burnett papers1909 - 1932Ref:GB 249 OM/445Location:University of Strathclyde Archives and Special CollectionsName of creator:Burnett James M fl 1909-1916 student at Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College.Extent:0.1 metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 78Papers relating to Andrew Cunningham1868 , 1953Ref:GB 249 OJF/8/3Location:University of Strathclyde Archives and Special CollectionsName of creator:Cunningham Andrew fl 1851-1868 student at Glasgow Mechanics' Institution.Extent:2 documentsLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 79Class ticket and student certificate of James Fell1862 - 1864Ref:GB 249 OJF/8/1Location:University of Strathclyde Archives and Special CollectionsName of creator:Fell James Walter fl 1862-1864 student at Anderson's University Glasgow.Extent:3 ppLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 80Teacher's certificates and needlework samples1930 - 1931, 1985Ref:GB 249 JCE/22/4/1Location:University of Strathclyde Archives and Special CollectionsName of creator:Brown Jane Fleming fl 1930-1939 student at Jordanhill College of Education Glasgow.Extent:0.01 metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details