- Catalogues383809
- per page
- 161Records of Glasgow University Dramatic Club, student society, University of Glasgow, Scotland1926-1958Ref:GB 248 DC 284Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Glasgow University Dramatic Club.Extent:0.01 metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 162Records of John Laird & Son Ltd, printing, packaging and paper bag manufacturers, Glasgow, Scotland1929-1975Ref:GB 248 UGD 232/1,/3-6Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:John Laird & Son Ltd.Extent:2.7 metresMore Details
- 163Papers of Jean Ross (nèe Blyth), 1914-1998, arts graduate, University of Glasgow, Scotland1932-1936Ref:GB 248 DC 254Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Ross Jean (1914-1998 : arts graduate : University of Glasgow Scotland).Extent:0.16 metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 164Papers of John Russell McKellar, John Brown Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd employee, Glasgow, Scotland1891-1970Ref:GB 248 ACCN 2392Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:McKellar John Russell.Extent:0.15 linear metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 165Records of William Bennett & Browne, insurance brokers, Glasgow, Scotland1809-1938 (predominant 1809-1831)Ref:GB 248 UGD 079Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:William Bennett & Browne.Extent:0.05 metresMore Details
- 166Papers of Mary Sloan Smith, c1901-1977, medical doctor, medical graduate of the University of Glasgow, Scotland1923-1962Ref:GB 248 DC 074Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Smith Mary Sloan (c1901-1977) medical doctor medical graduate of the University of Glasgow Scotland.Extent:0.3 metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 167University o f Glasgow : Blackhouse charters1304-1717Ref:GB 248 GUA BLLocation:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:University Glasgow.Extent:6.4 metresLanguage:Latin English ScotsMore Details
- 168Records of J & J Kent Ltd, fl 1910-1960, agricultural merchants, Glasgow, Scotland1943-1964Ref:GB 248 DC 034/133-138Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:J&J Kent Ltd.Extent:0.2 linear metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 169Papers of William Wesley Grant, b1909, textiles expert and arts graduate, University of Glasgow, Scotland1927-1932Ref:GB 248 DC 193Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Grant William Wesley (textiles expert and arts graduate : b1909 : Glasgow Scotland).Extent:0.30 metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 170Papers of Edward Thomas Lunt, fl.1912, arts graduate, University of Glasgow, Scotland and Dorothy Almar Lunt, b 1931, dentistry graduate, University of Glasgow, Scotland and lecturer in Dental Anatomy and Histology, Glasgow Dental School, Glasgow, Scotland1912-1995Ref:GB 248 DC 239Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Lunt Edward Thomas (fl1912: arts graduate University of Glasgow Scotland).Extent:0.052 metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 171Records of Glasgow University Labour Club1961-1975Ref:GB 248 DC 329Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Glasgow University Labour Club.Extent:0.20 metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 172Papers of Lilian Hulme Graham, 1902-c1988, arts graduate, University of Glasgow, Scotland1922-1923Ref:GB 248 DC 365Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Graham Lilian Hulme (1902-c1988 : arts graduate : University of Glasgow Scotland).Extent:0.05 metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 173Papers of Charles Latham, 1868-1917, mining engineer and Professor of Mining Engineering at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, 1907-19171895-1907Ref:GB 248 DC 040Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Latham Charles (1868-1917).Extent:1 folderLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 174Papers of Stotherd Thomas Richard Smith Mitchell, 1897-1980, lecturer in Physical Chemistry 1933-1963, University of Glasgow, Scotland1912-c1970sRef:GB 248 DC 245Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Mitchell Stotherd Thomas Richard Smith (1897-1980: lecturer in Physical Chemistry 1933-1963 University of Glasgow Scotland).Extent:0.15 metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 175Papers of Molly Palmar (nèe Glen), 1917-1970, science graduate, University of Glasgow, Scotlandc1937-1945Ref:GB 248 UGC 180Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Palmar (nèe Glen Molly (1917-1970 : science graduate : University of Glasgow Scotland)).Extent:0.15 metresLanguage:English GaelicMore Details
- 176Papers of James MacNab, printer, Glasgow, Scotland1889-1904Ref:GB 248 UGD 278Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:James MacNab.Extent:0.13 metresMore Details
- 177Papers of Edward Lionel Gregory Stones, 1914-1987, Professor of Medieval History, University of Glasgow, Scotland 1956-19771913-1990Ref:GB 248 DC 028Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Stones Edward Lionel (1914-1987).Extent:0.3 linear metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 178Papers of the Taylor family, Glasgow, graduates of the University of Glasgow1925 - 1960Ref:GB 248 UGC 040Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:family The Taylor (graduates of the University of Glasgow : 1925-1960: Glasgow Scotland).Extent:0.75 metresMore Details
- 179Papers of Hugh Mann, 1891-1917, arts graduate, University of Glasgow, Scotland and Jessie Reid, arts student, University of Glasgow, Scotland1881-2004Ref:GB 248 UGC 132Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Mann Hugh (1891-1917 : arts graduate : University of Glasgow Scotland),Reid Jessie (1886-1976 : arts graduate : University of Glasgow Scotland).Extent:0.45 metresLanguage:English, French,More Details
- 180Records of Murray Johnstone Ltd, investment managers, Glasgow, Scotland1898-2007Ref:GB 248 UGD 247Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Murray Johnstone Ltd.Extent:3.45 metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details