- Catalogues592
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- 421List of those members of the Spence family whose names appear in the Menzies Campbell Collection of advertisements.n.d.Ref:GB 250 15/21Location:Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow ArchivesLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 422Letters, notices, reports, advertisements of notice and other papers relating to the Shuttlefield Close and Tay Street areas1867-1877Ref:GB 252 PE/17/Bundle56Location:Perth and Kinross ArchiveMore Details
- 423Advertisement sign, Drummond Arms Hotel, St Fillans for same, per Ross and Cruickshank, architects, 22 George Street, Perth.1953Ref:GB 252 CC1/T&CP/ADV/53/287Location:Perth and Kinross ArchiveMore Details
- 424Erection of advertisement sign at The Green Hotel, Kinross for William Wilkie per Supervision Electronics, Muirside Factory, Kinghorn.1962Ref:GB 252 CC1/T&CP/ADV/62/215Location:Perth and Kinross ArchiveMore Details
- 425Box advertisement sign, Drummond Street, Muthill for Mrs Q Ballantine, per Laird-Neon Ltd, 117 Bath Street, Glasgow.1958Ref:GB 252 CC1/T&CP/ADV/58/620Location:Perth and Kinross ArchiveMore Details
- 426Advertisement for rubber vulcanizing press made by D.J. MacDonald, Engineer, South St. Roque's Works, Dundee, with printed imagen.d.Ref:GB 254 MS 93/1/10/28Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesExtent:1 itemMore Details
- 427Proof of an advertisement from the Dundee Evening Telegraph showing a two-colour sack printer from D.J. MacDonald.n.d.Ref:GB 254 MS 93/1/7/16Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesExtent:1 fileMore Details
- 428Advertisement for ‘Rerum Italicarum Scriptores’, [collection of Italian historians from 500 to 1500 edited by L. A. Muratori]NdRef:GB 243 D-LB2/3/2/3/11Location:Glasgow City ArchivesExtent:1 itemLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 429Traffic congestion in 19th century Royal Exchange Square, Glasgow, including a Tennent's advertisement on a horse-drawn bus19th centuryRef:GB 248 T 14/1/1/1Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesExtent:1 black and white photographLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 430Erection of advertisement sign at 23 Bank Street, Aberfeldy for I R King, 19-25 Bank Street, Aberfeldy.1962Ref:GB 252 CC1/T&CP/ADV/62/820Location:Perth and Kinross ArchiveMore Details
- 431Draft advertisements for tenders for building a new jail and courtrooms for the city and county of Perth18 Nov 1813Ref:GB 252 B59/24/11/124Location:Perth and Kinross ArchiveMore Details
- 432Advertisement sign near filling station, Perth Road, Crieff for James A Inglis, 1-3 East High Street, Crieff.1950Ref:GB 252 CC1/T&CP/ADV/50/305Location:Perth and Kinross ArchiveMore Details
- 433Erection of an AA and an RAC advertisement sign at The Angus Hotel, Blairgowrie for Andrew F Scott.1960Ref:GB 252 CC1/T&CP/ADV/60/298Location:Perth and Kinross ArchiveMore Details
- 434Advertisement hoarding, Colony Farm, Crieff for Drummond Arms Hotel, per O Marches, General Manager, 4 Castle Street, Dundee.1951Ref:GB 252 CC1/T&CP/ADV/51/222Location:Perth and Kinross ArchiveMore Details
- 435Erect two advertisement signs at Bridge of Ericht, Kinloch Rannoch for A A Stuart and Sons (Glasgow) Ltd.1960Ref:GB 252 CC1/T&CP/ADV/60/176Location:Perth and Kinross ArchiveMore Details
- 436Erect two advertisement signs at Dalnaspidal Lodge, Kinloch Rannoch for Messrs A A Stuart and Sons (Glasgow) Ltd.1960Ref:GB 252 CC1/T&CP/ADV/60/177Location:Perth and Kinross ArchiveMore Details
- 437Proposed advertisement sign at Main Road, Aberfoyle for Mr Strachan, per Messrs Gallaher Ltd, 447 Alexandra Parade, Glasgow1960Ref:GB 252 CC1/T&CP/ADV/60/862Location:Perth and Kinross ArchiveMore Details
- 438Erection of an advertisement sign about shop premises at The Square, Aberfeldy for Messrs G Mortali and Sons.1960Ref:GB 252 CC1/T&CP/ADV/60/421Location:Perth and Kinross ArchiveMore Details
- 439Erection of advertisement sign at 22 Leslie Street, Blairgowrie for the Area Manager, SCWS Service Depot, Mill Street, Blairgowrie.1962Ref:GB 252 CC1/T&CP/ADV/62/276Location:Perth and Kinross ArchiveMore Details
- 440Erection of advertisement sign at Burrelton Post Office, Burrelton for I Robertson, per A McEwan, 64 Scott Street, Perth.1962Ref:GB 252 CC1/T&CP/ADV/62/246Location:Perth and Kinross ArchiveMore Details