- Catalogues592
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- 441Town & Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1947, Town & Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) (Scotland) Regulations 1948, area of special control.1949Ref:GB 252 CR/Files/PL/13Location:Perth and Kinross ArchiveMore Details
- 442Advertisement board, Blair Atholl Distillery, Pitlochry for Arthur Bell and Sons Ltd, per McMurtie Ltd, 11 Bothwell Street, Glasgow.1957Ref:GB 252 CC1/T&CP/ADV/57/355Location:Perth and Kinross ArchiveMore Details
- 443Draft advertisement by the magistrates of Perth anent removal of carts, carriages, stones and rubbish from the public streets[1773]Ref:GB 252 B59/24/14/28Location:Perth and Kinross ArchiveMore Details
- 444Proposed advertisement sign, Currachreen Nurseries, Perth Road, Crieff for Drummond Arms Hotel, per General Manager, 4 Castle Street, Dundee.1951Ref:GB 252 CC1/T&CP/ADV/51/96Location:Perth and Kinross ArchiveMore Details
- 445Display of advertisement signs at Hawthornvale, Kinross for Mr R King, per A and D Dickson, joiners, Bridgend, Kinross.1960Ref:GB 252 CC1/T&CP/ADV/60/96Location:Perth and Kinross ArchiveMore Details
- 446Proposed resiting of advertisement sign on Dollar-Muckhart road, for Rumbling Bridge Hotel, Rumbling Bridge by Dollar, per Secretary.1949Ref:GB 252 CC1/T&CP/ADV/49/493Location:Perth and Kinross ArchiveMore Details
- 447Erection of advertisement sign at Eskdale, Taybridge Road, Aberfeldy for Mrs Helen Dalgleish per John Carmichael, Eskdale, Taybridge Road, Aberfeldy1960Ref:GB 252 CC1/T&CP/ADV/60/79Location:Perth and Kinross ArchiveMore Details
- 448“Esso” sign and metal advertisement plate, Burnside Garage, Dunning, for Peter Stevens, per Esso Petroleum Co Ltd, Feus Road, Perth.1952Ref:GB 252 CC1/T&CP/ADV/52/144Location:Perth and Kinross ArchiveMore Details
- 449Proposed advertisement sign, 150 yards from junction of A823/A977, Rumbling Bridge for Ian C Kerr, Bungalow Tearooms, Rumbling Bridge.1952Ref:GB 252 CC1/T&CP/ADV/52/440Location:Perth and Kinross ArchiveMore Details
- 450Double sided advertisement board on B827 adjacent and opposite entrance to Beannie Farm, Braco for Ronald S Thomson of same.1958Ref:GB 252 CC1/T&CP/ADV/58/185Location:Perth and Kinross ArchiveMore Details
- 451Page from 'Journal of the Royal Institute of British Architects' showing advertisement for J L Emms cast leadwork rain water headc 1923Ref:GB 1015 GD10/9/2/3/16Location:East Dunbartonshire Archives - KirkintillochExtent:1 itemLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 452Advertisement sign on Callum’s Hill road, near Dalvreck, Crieff for Strathearn Hydropathic Establishment Co, Crieff, per W L Lackie of same.1952Ref:GB 252 CC1/T&CP/ADV/52/323Location:Perth and Kinross ArchiveMore Details
- 453Erection of an advertisement sign on the old smiddy wall, Amulree Post Office, Dunkeld for Miss M Stewart and Mrs J MacFarlane.1960Ref:GB 252 CC1/T&CP/ADV/60/412Location:Perth and Kinross ArchiveMore Details
- 454Advertisement by the magistrates and town council of Perth for a person 'to undertake the lighting and upholding of the Street lamps'Jul 1795Ref:GB 252 B59/24/14/61Location:Perth and Kinross ArchiveMore Details
- 455Correspondence resulting from an advertisement on the subject of innoculation, published by the British Union for Abolition of Vivisection, in Punch, 13.1.15Jan 1915Ref:GB 250 9/BSG/1/1/54-69Location:Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow ArchivesLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 456Advertisement for 'Chesting Calender, Lee Croll & Co., Makers of Every Description of Rope and Wheel Gearing, Shafting, Drums etc., Lawside Foundry, Dundee'.n.d.Ref:GB 254 MS 93/1/10/33Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesExtent:1 itemMore Details
- 457Advertisement signs (1) near entrance to Dunkeld House and (2) near Young’s Garage, Birnam for Mrs R J C McIlwaine, Thistle Cottage, Birnam.1956Ref:GB 252 CC1/T&CP/ADV/56/286Location:Perth and Kinross ArchiveMore Details
- 458Scroll newspaper advertisement of roup of a tack of the town of Perth's salmon fishings on the Tay for 13 or 19 years10 May 1786Ref:GB 252 B59/25/3/123Location:Perth and Kinross ArchiveMore Details
- 459Pamphlet documenting founding members, extracts from letters recieved, extracts from the press and the advertisement of a lecture given by Robert Finney McEwen23 October 1906Ref:GB 2607 BC/2/2Location:Royal Conservatoire of Scotland Archives & CollectionsExtent:Loose paperLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 460Erection of an advertisement sign at 2 George Street, Coupar Angus for Elliot Forbes, per Messrs McCash and Hunter, 8 Kinnoull Street, Perth.1961Ref:GB 252 CC1/T&CP/ADV/61/264Location:Perth and Kinross ArchiveMore Details