- Catalogues117
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- 81Circular letter giving notice of an 'Exhibition of Imaginative Drawings etc. by Edinburgh Children' held at The New Gallery, EdinburghMay 1924Ref:GB 249 T-GED/7/8/72Location:University of Strathclyde Archives and Special CollectionsLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 82Circular letters and printed papers relating to the opposition of the Association of Municipal Corporations against Bills for electric power1897-1900Ref:GB 252 PE/37/Bundle21Location:Perth and Kinross ArchiveMore Details
- 83Circular letter and registration form from Frances Melville, President of Students' Careers Association, for the Register of Scottish Secondary Education Girlsc 1915Ref:GB 248 DC 233/2/11/4/5Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesMore Details
- 84Circular letter from the St. Andrew Society appealing for subscriptions to reduce the debt incurred by the printing and publication of ScotiaMay 1913Ref:GB 249 T-GED/12/3/40Location:University of Strathclyde Archives and Special CollectionsExtent:1 itemLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 85Circular letter from Mrs Jessie Campbell announcing meeting of University Council to discuss the incorporation of Queen Margaret College with the University1893Ref:GB 248 DC 233/2/4/4/34Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesMore Details
- 86Circular letter, n.d., Laurencekirk, Henry St. John Howard to the Scottish Clergy, requests signatures to the Address in support of Patrick Cheynen.d.Ref:GB 254 BrMS 2/1/6/8Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesExtent:1 documentMore Details
- 87Circular letters (2) concerning a presentation to Frances Melville on the occasion of her retiral from Queen Margaret College with lists of subscribers1934-1935Ref:GB 248 DC 233/2/12/6/2Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesMore Details
- 88Circular letter from Earl of Haddington, 'praeses' of a committee of noblemen, freeholders and burgesses at Edinburgh, to the chief magistrate of Perth1 February 1762Ref:GB 252 B59/32/47Location:Perth and Kinross ArchiveMore Details
- 89Copies of Orders issued by the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries under the Diseases of Animals Acts, amendments to Orders and circular letters1908-1921Ref:GB 252 PE/74/Bundle2Location:Perth and Kinross ArchiveMore Details
- 90Circular Letter to Provost and Magistrates and Town Councillors from George Gillanders, 1868, re Burgh Accounts, 1867 (See also BF/1/8/4)1867-1868Ref:GB 232 HCA/BF/1/19/6/8Location:Highland Archive Service: Highland Archive CentreExtent:1 itemLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 91Circular letter, with enclosures, from John Wilson, schoolmaster at Leith, for the committee of the parish schoolmasters of Scotland, to the provost of Perth16 Apr 1784Ref:GB 252 B59/24/6/73Location:Perth and Kinross ArchiveMore Details
- 92Circular letter (printed) from Edith Collett, Edinburgh, asking for signatures for a petition to the Commission of the Universities of Scotland, with copy of petition1891Ref:GB 248 DC 233/2/4/4/19aLocation:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesMore Details
- 93Circular letter from Town Clerk of Glasgow to the other Burghs urging opposition to the Bill for the extension of police burghs now before parliamentJul 1873Ref:GB 243 D-TC6/196Location:Glasgow City ArchivesExtent:1 itemLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 94Circular letter from James Hunter Blair, Lord Provost of Edinburgh, to the magistrates of Perth conveying resolution of the Annual Committee of the Royal Burghs30 Mar 1785Ref:GB 252 B59/27/42Location:Perth and Kinross ArchiveMore Details
- 95Circular letter, 18 September 1873, Alexander Leslie to members of the Episcopal Church Society. Relates to suggestion the maintenance and increased efficiency of the society.18 September 1873Ref:GB 254 BrMS 2/1/16/1Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesExtent:1 documentMore Details
- 96Circular letter from the clerk to the Convention of Royal Burghs to Archibald Reid and W Greig, town clerks, Perth, requesting information on the burgh records16 Apr 1867Ref:GB 252 B59/27/78Location:Perth and Kinross ArchiveMore Details
- 97Circular letter from George Wishart, Clerk to General Assembly, to the town clerk of Perth intimating date of next meeting of the Assembly on 21 May6 February 1772Ref:GB 252 B59/28/131Location:Perth and Kinross ArchiveMore Details
- 98Circular letter: an appeal by the Outlook Tower for funds to help meet running expenses and to purchase the Outlook Tower from the Town and Gown Association.11 October 1913Ref:GB 249 T-GED/7/10/16Location:University of Strathclyde Archives and Special CollectionsExtent:2 ppLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 99J.W. Brodie Innes [Edinburgh] to Provost Ball. Returns a circular letter and interim resolution which concerns the question of who has patronage of St. Andrews Church and of the incumbent's statue.7 Nov 1892Ref:GB 254 MS 54/14/5Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesExtent:1 itemMore Details
- 100Circular letter from George Drummond, 'praeses' of the Annual Committee of the Royal Burghs, to the magistrates of Perth with resolution recommending that an act should be obtained for establishing a militia in Scotland21 February 1760Ref:GB 252 B59/27/36Location:Perth and Kinross ArchiveMore Details