- Catalogues216
- per page
- 141Biography of Pontecorvo titled The Man They called Ponte, by Bernard L Cohen in Avenue, No 22,1997Ref:GB 248 UGC 198/1/2/1Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesExtent:1 pageMore Details
- 142Letter from Gowan and Gray Ltd regarding the provision of a biography of Mr Barrett for publication7 Apr 1904Ref:GB 243 D-LB2/2/2/10Location:Glasgow City ArchivesExtent:4 itemsLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 143Biography of Hugh Tennent delivered at the 59th Colquhoun Dinner of the Glasgow Junior Chamber of Commerce1996Ref:GB 248 T 12/5/3Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesExtent:1 envelopeLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 144Biography and the quote “I’ll hae nae hauf-way hoose, but aye be whaur/Extremes meet”. - Hugh MacDiarmidRef:GB 605 DC007/HM/EM/1/8Location:University of the West of Scotland Special CollectionsMore Details
- 145Short biography of'John Spence (1857-1945) of Stara and Mount Pleasant, Beaquoyside, Birsay, Orkney' by Harald Essonpre-1984Ref:GB 241 D1/863Location:Orkney Library and ArchiveExtent:TextMore Details
- 146Correspondence between Pontecorvo and Professor Charlotte Auerbach ("Lotte") concerning a review of Elof Carlson's biography of Hermann Joseph MullerMay 1982Ref:GB 248 UGC 198/9/1/13Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesExtent:2 letters, 1 article (11 pages)More Details
- 147Review by T[homas] M[alcolm] K[nox] of Lady Hester Stanhope - a Biography by Joan Haslip. From The Oxford Magazine15 November 1934Ref:GB 254 UR-SF 51/4/3Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesExtent:1 itemMore Details
- 148Programme for the re-opening of Y Cwm Museum and book launch for Yr Athro Alltud: a biography of Sir Henry Jones17 Jul 1998Ref:GB 248 UGC 165/4/3Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesExtent:1 bookletLanguage:WelshMore Details
- 149Typescript on House of Tudor, Relations of the National Museum of Antiquities with the Society of Antiquities of Scotland, biography of James Douglas (1803-77) First Governor of Canada20th centuryRef:GB 248 DC 032/6/8Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesExtent:1 fileMore Details
- 150Talk by Franciszek Socha, delivered at the Denny Toastmasters Club autumn 1951, "On being a fugitive", with brief biography of Mr Socha, and notes by his wife Margaret Socha.1951Ref:GB 254 MS 145/5/8Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesExtent:1 transcriptMore Details
- 151Entries in Who Was Who 1951-1960. Scottish Biographies 1938; E.J. Thurston; Dictionnaire Des Peintres, Sculpteurs, Dessinateurs et Graveurs; E. Benezit Vol. 10, STY-ZYW, 1976 Dictionary of British Artists Working 1900-1950, Grant M. Waters, 1975.1900-1976Ref:GB 254 MS 78/1/1Location:University of Dundee Archive ServicesExtent:1 fileMore Details
- 152Wick Library, notebook recording tranches of books sent to different recipients by title and reference number, quarterly sales of newspapers, scores from [cricket?] matches between Wick and Thurso taken from local newspapers, and assorted literary and historical notes including insect descriptions and biographies of ecclesiastical figuresc.1909-1911Ref:GB 1741 C/CC/5/9/8/1/5Location:Nucleus: The Nuclear and Caithness Archive (Caithness Archives)Extent:1 volumeLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 153The courtesan Hana-Muraski1815-1842Ref:GB 1694 NMC/0216Location:Glasgow School of Art Archives and CollectionsExtent:1More Details
- 154Book chapter on the Barony Church1929Ref:GB 249 T-MIN/18/14Location:University of Strathclyde Archives and Special CollectionsExtent:9 ppLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 155Papers of Ralph Stockman, 1861-1937, Professor of Materia Medica, University of Glasgow1879-1936Ref:GB 248 DC 394Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Stockman Ralph (1861-1937: physician Professor of Materia Medica 1897-1936 University of Glasgow).Extent:0.10 metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 156Notebook No.6September 1827- September 1827Ref:GB 237 Coll-203/A1/6Location:Edinburgh University Library Heritage CollectionsExtent:170 foliosLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 157Notebook No.4May 1827- June 1827Ref:GB 237 Coll-203/A1/4Location:Edinburgh University Library Heritage CollectionsExtent:165 foliosMore Details
- 158Notebook No.5July 1827- August 1827Ref:GB 237 Coll-203/A1/5Location:Edinburgh University Library Heritage CollectionsExtent:179 foliosMore Details
- 159John Hunter papers1921 - 1991Ref:GB 249 OM/302Location:University of Strathclyde Archives and Special CollectionsName of creator:Hunter John 1896-1987 student at Royal Technical College Glasgow.Extent:0.13 metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 160Pugsley, Herbert William1868 - 1947Ref:GB 235 PUGLocation:Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh ArchivesName of creator:Pugsley Herbert William.Extent:Minimal; ephemera, 1 biographical documentLanguage:EnglishMore Details