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                  How can I calculate in pounds, shillings and pence?

                  To add pounds, shillings and pence manually, columns of figures should be added as follows:

                  Start with the pence (d.) column. Add up the pence, and, using long division, divide by 12. The result will be a whole number and a remainder (a number between 0 and 11). The whole number represents the number of shillings to be carried over to the shillings (s.) column. The remainder is the number of pence in the total.

                  Add up the shillings (s.) column (including the figure carried over from the pence column). Divide this number by 20. The result will be a whole number and a remainder (a number between 0 and 19). The whole number represents the number of pounds to be carried over to the pounds (L) column. The remainder is the number of shillings in the total.

                  Add up the pound (L) column (including the figure carried over from the shillings column).

                  For example: the sum of the amounts below:

                    L. s. d.
                    4 7 3
                    0 19 8
                    4 12 7
                    1 3 0
                    1 15 2
                  Totals 12 16 8
                  Divide 20 pence into shillings = 1s. 8d
                  Carry over the 2s. to shillings column   1 8
                  Add to previous shillings total   56  
                  Divide 63 shillings into pounds   2L 16s.  
                  Carry over £3 to pounds column 2    
                  Add to previous pounds total 10    
                  Final total 12 16 8