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                  How can I find details of the career of a bank employee?

                  It is essential that you have the full name of the member of staff and the name of the bank he or she worked for. The archives of The Royal Bank of Scotland, Bank of Scotland and TSB Scotland hold comprehensive sets of staff records (including the records of a few banks which later merged with them) from around the time of World War 1 (1914-18). Some are organised by branch or office name, others are arranged alphabetically by surname. From these it may be possible to obtain information about the member of staff, including date of birth, home address, position in the bank, salary and progress in banking exams. Photographs are harder to trace, but it was usual to have a photograph taken when you became an official of the bank. Staff records are subject to data protection legislation and are likely to be closed to public access until they are more than 100 years old.