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                  I am doing a school project on the history of the police. Where should I go for information?

                  Libraries, Police Museums and Archives.

                  Visit your local library for advice on published histories of the police in your area, annual reports of the chief constables of local police forces, and other material.

                  There are two police museums, one in Glasgow and one in Kirriemuir, which hold collections of police uniforms, memorabilia and equipment.

                  <https://taysidepolicemuseum.org.uk/about/> [accessed 25 May 2024]

                  <http://www.policemuseum.org.uk/museum-overview/> [accessed 25 May 2024]

                  Eleven archive services hold collections of police records: Aberdeen City Archives, Angus Archives, Dumfries & Galloway Archives, Dundee City Archives, Edinburgh City Archives, Fife Archive Centre, Glasgow City Archives, the Highland Archive, Perth & Kinross Council Archive, Scottish Borders Archives and Stirling Council Archives. See Police Records Locations for further details. Contact details for each of these archives are available in the directory pages of Your Scottish Archives