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                  Where can I find information about someone imprisoned in Scotland?

                  There are several answers to this question depending on when, where and why the person was imprisoned. Consider the following question and link to the appropriate FAQ:

                  Was the prisoner:

                  • (a) convicted and sentenced to a term of imprisonment or penal servitude after the year 1800?
                  • (b) awaiting charge, trial or sentencing before the year 1800?
                  • (c) awaiting charge, trial or sentencing after the year 1800?
                  • (d) a prisoner of war

                  If : (a) then there is a good chance that the prisoner’s details should be recorded in a prison register held by the National Records of Scotland. Go to the FAQ on ‘How do I trace the record of a prisoner in prison registers?’

                  (b) then, the individual was probably incarcerated in a burgh tolbooth or jail. Go to the FAQ on ‘How do I trace the record of a prisoner in warding and liberation books of a burgh tolbooth or jail?’

                  (c) then, the prisoner may have been held on remand in a prison, a burgh tolbooth or jail, or a police cell or lock-up. Look at the FAQs on prison registers, warding and liberation books and ‘How do I trace the record of a prisoner in a police cell or lock-up?’

                  (d) then go to the FAQ on ‘Where can I find information about prisoner of war prisons and camps in Scotland?’