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                  Where can I find information about witchcraft in Scotland for a school project?

                  For information about the history of witchcraft in Scotland you should start with Christina Larner, Enemies of God: the witch hunt in Scotland (John Donald, 2000), and, perhaps, George Sinclair’s 17th century book on witchcraft, Satan’s Invisible World Discovered (Edinburgh, 1685; reprinted 1871). It should be possible to get information about witchcraft trials from published histories of towns, counties and parishes. If extracts from the burgh records of your local burgh have been published, they may contain references to the execution of witches. For all of the above take the advice of your school librarian or local studies librarian. You should find enough information for a school project in published books on witchcraft and on the history of your area.  If you want to read original documents, you will need to learn how to read old handwriting first, and you may not have enough time to do that for a school project.