Where can I get information about Scottish bank notes?
The Royal Bank of Scotland, Bank of Scotland and Clydesdale Bank issue banknotes. No normal issue notes bear an image of the Queen, although she has appeared on some special-issue commemorative notes. None of the other banks operating in Scotland issue their own banknotes. A general guide to Scottish banknotes is James Douglas, Scottish Banknotes, (London: Gibbons, 1975) or Jonathan Callaway and Dave Murphy, Paper Money of Scotland (English Paper Money, 2018). Other useful published works are James Douglas, Twentieth Century Scottish Banknotes, vols. 1 & 2 (Banking Memorabilia,1984-1998); T Jones, Twentieth Century Scottish Banknote: Clydesdale Bank plc and its constituent banks (Banking Memorabilia,1998); Banknote Yearbook published annually by Token Publishing, Honiton, Devon. Other information about banknotes can be found at the websites of Royal Bank of Scotland <https://www.natwestgroup.com/heritage.html > and the Bank of Scotland <https://www.lloydsbankinggroup.com/who-we-are/our-heritage/our-companies.html > [both accessed 24 April 2024].