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                  Where can I obtain photographs and other illustrations of emigrants and emigrant ships leaving Scotland?

                  For photographs of the ports of Glasgow and Greenock, which handled the vast majority of Scottish passenger steamer sailings, the fullest source is the Clyde Navigation Trust collection, which is held by Glasgow City Archives. Many of the Clyde Navigation Trust images have been published in John F Riddell, ‘Clyde Navigation: a history of the development and deepening of the river Clyde’ (Edinburgh, 1979).

                  Other photographs of Glasgow’s docks, especially the Broomielaw, which was the starting point for many transatlantic voyages, can be viewed online in the Virtual Mitchell website at: <https://www.mitchelllibrary.org/virtualmitchell/> [accessed 24 April 2024].

                  Perhaps the largest selection of photographs and other illustrations of emigrants, particularly to the USA, is the Bettmann Archive, of New York; founded by an emigrant from Germany. Many of the Bettmann Archive images have been published. Online access is available at: <https://www.gettyimages.co.uk/bettmann> [accessed 24 April 2024]