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                  YSA is live!

                  The new Your Scottish Archives portal was launched on Tuesday 10th December 2024, at the SCA Annual Conference in Stirling.

                  Your Scottish Archives is a unique project to gather and make available worldwide, through a dynamic online portal, catalogue descriptions from archives across Scotland, including local authority, health, business and community archives, and records of under-represented groups. This major new resource is managed by the Scottish Council on Archives (SCA) partnering with Jisc/Archives Hub. It will build capacity amongst archive holders and develop skills, particularly amongst local communities, making an enormous contribution to the wider heritage sector by improving access to Scotland’s documented past.

                  Your Scottish Archives (YSA) currently display catalogue entries from over sixty Scottish repositories, including local authority, universities, heritage organisations and community groups. It is packed with guidance, links and resources for all users of online archive, both experienced and new.

                  This is phase one of the site. Phase two in spring 2025 will include improved hierarchical display of records and search functionality. As the site grows, we hope more repositories will contribute catalogues descriptions.

                  For all comments and questions please email your@scottisharchives.org.uk

                  Call for Applications: A Year in the Life of a Community Archive 2025

                  person with blue vinyl gloves handling document with more documents lying on table

                  Would you like to be archive of the year featured on the Scottish Council on Archives website?


                  It’s an opportunity to highlight the work that you do, all your activities, the challenges you face and the opportunities you capture.

                  Take a look at this year’s archive that we have followed: the Museum of Scottish Railways Archive.


                  What’s involved:

                  • monthly blogs
                  • photographs and/or videos
                  • time commitment of approximately an hour a week (more at the beginning while we set things up)


                  What you will gain:

                  • develop your relationship with SCA
                  • access to opportunities through our networks
                  • able to promote the work you have been doing to the wider sector


                  You must be based in Scotland to apply.

                  If you are interested please fill out our short application survey.

                  Your Scottish Archives to be launched at SCA Annual Conference

                  The SCA Annual Conference on 10th December 2024, Building Evidence will explore how archives and records support engagement with, conservation of, and research into Scotland’s historic environment. The event will be structured around the three priority areas of Our Past, Our Future – The Strategy for Scotland’s Historic Environment:

                  1. Delivering the transition to net zero
                  2. Empowering resilient and inclusive communities and places
                  3. Building a wellbeing economy

                  In addition to these key themes, Building Evidence will shine a spotlight on the urgent need for a national strategy for archives and records in Scotland, ensuring their preservation and relevance for future generations.

                  The new Your Scottish Archives portal will be launched at the conference.